Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [v-ing] her [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then he was beside her , laying his length , his arms seizing her to him , and his lips , no longer teasing or gentle , dragging at hers .
2 His body was warm and hard against her own shivering flesh , his arms binding her to him as her reason spun helplessly beneath the sudden sensual onslaught .
3 ‘ You are being foolish beyond permission ! ’ he declared angrily , his hands dragging her to him so that his feverish glare burned into her eyes .
4 Then her wish was granted as his head blotted out the sun , and Robbie emitted a little ecstatic noise as the space between them melted away entirely and they lay body pressed to body , mouth to mouth , his hands moulding her to him with a sudden , startling ferocity .
5 She swallowed hard , conscious of his angry face so close to her own , his hands clamping her to him in a vice-like grip .
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