Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Calvin and his successors came up with the dark doctrine of predestination to explain the fearful paradox of God 's love and his implacable wrath .
2 Two of his brothers ended up in the House of Lords .
3 He scanned her tense expression , his eyes crinkled up against the sun .
4 He pushed the sheet of paper away and looked around him , his eyes straying up to the dusty rafters .
5 He was held in a reclining position by his seat-belt , with his head bent back and his mouth open , his eyes staring up at the roof of the car , his right arm hanging straight down , his left snagged on the gear-stick .
6 Penry smiled slowly , his eyes lighting up with the gleam she found so irresistible .
7 After turning the sausages and prodding the briquettes again he rested his arms on the railing and looked out over Central Park , his eyes screwed up against the sun even though he was wearing a pair of prescription sunglasses .
8 Peter Suvarov smiled , his eyes crinkling up at the corners and his bitter mouth relaxing , and handed her a handkerchief .
9 His eyes lit up with a mocking little smile .
10 His eyes lit up for a moment at that .
11 His eyes light up at the recollection of some of the challenges he has tackled that would have daunted the more faint-hearted .
12 As Britain 's biggest book printer , his eyes light up at the mention of Labour 's proposals for an extra £10 per primary school child for books .
13 His lips turned up in a self-satisfied smile .
14 His lips turned up in a terrible parody of a smile .
15 Outside his ears picked up for the first time the rustling of invisible leaves and the rattle of window-frames : the wind was rising .
16 You 've made his ears fly up like a donkey 's . ’
17 Meredith was sitting in the stalls with his feet propped up on the row in front .
18 Appreciating that the key to a successful season lies in winning the replay against Portsmouth , Wright has no intention of allowing his team-mates to ease up in the two intervening League games .
19 Crash goes his belly and his arms flap up like a corkscrew lever .
20 He let his hands travel up beneath the chemise to her breasts , which he had so often coveted , and handled them boldly .
21 The man heard or sensed him at the last moment and turned with his hands coming up to a fighting stance but Maxim feinted through them and hit him low in the stomach .
22 And when the Captain-General and his men turned up in the afternoon — all in polished armour , and bearing a gaudy new flag adorned with the arms of Castile and Leon and a Madonna and Child — they were dismayed ? embarrassed ? horrified ? amused ? ( history does not record ) to find no sea in sight ; just hundreds of yards of black and rank-smelling mud .
23 Only after Pericles ' death did the rot set in , when the people insisted on following so-called " demagogue revealing word — like Cleon , who evidently did not know how to behave , but curried favour with " the rabble " by calculated populist gestures : " He was the first " , wrote Aristotle , " to indulge in shouting and scurrilous abuse from the rostrum , and to address the people with his clothes tucked up like a common labourer , whereas all his predecessors had spoken with dignity and properly dressed . "
24 His accusations backed up with the evidence found by Craig would be enough to convict Spencer and send him to prison for some time , once his whereabouts were discovered , for Spencer seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth .
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