Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 At ten past eight that evening , when he ran downstairs to answer his outer doorbell and found her on the doorstep , it was as if he had been kicked in the stomach .
2 Maggie smiled and he bent his dark head and kissed her , holding her hand and simply letting her fall asleep .
3 He lifted his dark head and gave her a penetrating stare , noted her expression , and asked swiftly , ‘ What relationship did you think I meant ? ’
4 Daniel put his arm around his large wife and patted her back gently .
5 Michele sipped his black coffee and studied her .
6 He gripped her fingers against his calloused palm and led her forward .
7 Then he went to his improvised bar and poured her a stiff whisky .
8 One of the nurses she had seen in the cloakroom was standing in the middle of the corridor , flushed pink and grinning like an idiot , while That Man lounged on one leg in all his taut leather and chatted her up .
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