Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun] be [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His right thigh was between hers , and his face was buried in the pillow and strands of her hair .
2 His strong arms were around her as she struggled .
3 His free hand was on her waist .
4 His real thoughts were on something else and he fell silent as they pulled away from the post Office and up the dale .
5 All she has to do is to walk away , he ca n't walk cos his fore legs are on her back back legs are on the ground .
6 For some reason he had fallen , and his phantom assailant was upon him , but again the blows had no effect .
7 His wandering fingers were inside her , pushing their way up into her sticky quim .
8 Hopkins only has to remove his specs and his Cold Warrior is before us
9 There was the warm , acrid male smell of his body , and his left arm was round her , stronger than she thought , holding her against him .
10 And so the arrival of Jaggers , bearing the news of his great expectations is to him , a way of raising his social standard to that of Estella 's and thereby improving his chances with her .
11 Clearly , as I suspected originally , his great interest is in you , which surely clarifies the position .
12 Not that I 've any time for him any longer — going on like that when his poor wife was near her time . ’
13 His heavy radio was in his hand .
14 His only concern was for his own men and for the standards and traditions he expected them to live up to .
15 Magellan , overjoyed and believing that his ultimate goal was within his grasp , brushed aside the doubters ' view that he should , despite the discovery , turn back eastwards for the Moluccas .
16 He avoided the bullying tactics his son was to employ ; yet the results of his modest pursuits were in their own way as remarkable as those of Philip Augustus ' domineering interventions .
17 His final concern is for what he calls the " real movement of Proust 's novel " .
18 Consignments of his nutty bushwackers are on their way to UK gift shops to compete with fir-cones in frocks and teasel mice .
19 His supreme loyalty is to her .
20 His main work was among his own countrymen .
21 Although Green took heed of this advice and made such the subjects of many successful paintings , his main strength was in his large scale landscapes .
22 The only softness about his rugged face was in his lips .
23 Then she felt the coverlet being pulled off the bed and João was on top of her and his sweet breath was in her face and his mouth over her mouth ; he was forcing her legs apart until she thought she would split ; he was trying to lift them right up over his shoulders , and at the same time trying to enter where she was impossibly small , cursing at his lack of success and finally grunting and gasping , until she felt a little damp fountain on her belly and he rolled off the bed and pattered quickly from the room .
24 His whole effort is towards nothing being changed .
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