Example sentences of "his [noun pl] in [noun] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Craig was able to say his thanks in church while I was languishing in bed with tonsillitis .
2 They dressed quickly and he again closed his eyes in terror while they were riding in the lift .
3 Which Jewish feast did Jesus celebrate with his parents in Jerusalem when he was twelve years old ?
4 Since then Five Bellies , who is planning to live with his parents in Dunston until he flies to Rome , has been torn between his family and his Italian job with fun-loving Gazza .
5 Here , the wife is left exposed to the monk 's attentions when the husband shuts himself up in his counting-house ( 75 – 88 ) ; he delivers his wife a lecture on his " " curious bisynesse " " when she asks him to come down to eat ( 224 – 48 ) ; he must settle his affairs in Paris before he can settle back at home after his trip to Bruges ( 365 – 9 ) .
6 Boswell failed to have them meet the Earl : presumably the ‘ prosperous gentleman ’ was examining his water-lilies in Wales when they called .
7 The poem , addressed in its final form to Charles Lamb , followed his friends in imagination as they walked first ‘ along the hill-top edge ’ , then descended to the waterfall in the ‘ roaring dell ’ at Holford , and climbed at last high into the Quantocks , from where they looked out upon ‘ the many-steepled tract magnificent ’ of the coastal plain .
8 CHRISTIE has time to raise his arms in triumph as he crosses the line for his 100-metres win — with clear daylight between him and the pack .
9 That the king yielded to the resulting complaints of the clergy as far as he did might be explained by his preoccupations in Paris when he could hardly afford serious embarrassment at home ; yet it seems more likely that he recognized the powerful tradition by which the matters in conflict were long deemed to have belonged rightfully to the church .
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