Example sentences of "his [noun sg] a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And we just pulled his Shove a bit of bind back of his leg , tied it up together , stopped the bleeding , shoved him out .
2 Even to-day I am still surprised that our history master should have thought it worth while to include in his course a class in Plato 's Republic … or that our English master should take me to his home to show me his excellent library and especially his fine editions of Blake and Donne .
3 To look at now , he is a spark of unreal ; his eyes a most violent green , his skin a shock of white beneath the moorish black of his hair , but to listen to him is to hear yet another city boy , a Dublin lad , sprung from a family of twelve , none of whom resemble him but speak exactly like him , even his sisters .
4 The badges of honour he sports on his veteran 's beret when he goes dining for the old soldiers ' vote gave his plea a sort of authority .
5 Then on his bike a report for work at Sharpness Docks for eight o'clock .
6 He took out of his briefcase a sheaf of invitations .
7 Werewolf and I were numbers three and four in the queue and the Sergeant had to tap his watch a couple of times as Werewolf seemed to be requiring more help than the rest of us from Private Boyd in getting his belt on .
8 He took us out in his boat a couple of times , and he offered to take us over to the Treshnish Isles , but the forecast was n't too good , so we never made it .
9 Alternatively , solicitors paying redemption money should send to the superior or his agent a form of receipt in the wording of Form 2 indicating how it should be executed .
10 ‘ If only they had n't scrapped the old grammar school , ’ muttered Dr Frome , and Pumfrey saw that he was beginning to erect in his mind a structure of excuses and evasions that would justify him to himself .
11 Lawless , as well as remarking on the lack of inhibition in throwing jabs , connected this with a more general ‘ relaxed approach ’ , and others concur with this , agreeing that the black sportsman shows a remarkable tendency to bring to his work a resistance to tension .
12 ‘ He has many gifts , Medoc , and he has at his beck a wardrobe of enchantments .
13 I thought Martin Connelly might know , but I 've phoned his office and his home a couple of times and there 's never anyone there .
14 The King 's neck was broken , his face almost unrecognisable , his body a mass of bruises .
15 Man must make his body a house of man pictures .
16 His eyes were red-rimmed and sagging , his nose a mass of pustules , and his teeth had been blacked out with enamel .
17 AN inspired performance from Partick Thistle goal keeper Andy Murdoch earned his team a point at Ibrox today as Rangers turned in yet another sloppy performance .
18 Consequently , the last line of his life parroted the last line of his masterpiece : at his funeral a picket of soldiers turned up to fire a volley over the coffin , and thus bid the state 's traditional farewell to one of its most improbable and sardonic chevaliers .
19 By saying this a I appear to inflict on his person a kind of mineral water torture : he twitches and tics , fusses and winks , and the bruised ends of his finger tips madly tempt him .
20 But during the 16th-century Reformation , fellow Scots made his name a term of abuse .
21 The Pharisees had asked why Moses commanded that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce .
22 At Weatherfield , Jim McDonald must be suffering from Lady Chatterley-itis the bad-tempered Irishman called his wife a whore in front of the twins , extremely over-the-top , Jim .
23 Harold Badcock , Tyndale Lecturer in Medieval European History , shot his wife a look of hate as she entered the living room .
24 Turning to give his wife a look of gentleness and a few words of encouragement , he opened the door , his men fell in behind him and they left .
25 By the time Kathleen had sorted the patient out and found someone to give his wife a cup of tea and explain what was happening , Jack was back in Theatre , clad from head to toe in green theatre pyjamas , with a J-cloth hat and a mask .
26 He had hardly got to his feet when there was a muffled explosion from Sid 's trench , followed by Sid catapulting out from the entrance , his head a mass of flames .
27 There were no lights on in the basement flat and precious little illumination spilling into the enclosed yard from above ; he banged and scraped his hands on table legs and chair legs as he groped around , and he even cracked his head a couple of times .
28 has brought together , accumulated and assimilated by means of the physical materials of his art a host of desires , intentions , and conditions coming from all regions of his mind and being .
29 Gould had escaped just in time : a week after his departure a deluge of rain hit the Namoi plains , and the flash-flood that followed wrought havoc on the countryside .
30 A king should rein in the aggression of warriors , especially of young men ; he should punish crime , keep his court a place of peace .
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