Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [coord] [verb] [pron] from " in BNC.

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1 He undid the buttons of his shirt and shrugged it from his shoulders , letting it fall unheeded to the floor .
2 In some cases , the author seeks to disguise his presence and distances himself from the narrative by employing techniques such as interior monologue , dialogue and intermediaries , which simultaneously highlight the subjective nature of the material presented and create the impression of an autonomous narration .
3 ‘ Oh Lord , look down upon this sinful child in his wickedness and lead him from his evil ways into righteousness If he is tempted again , remind him of the pains of Thy Hell , the torment and burning , so that he may quiver in his wretched flesh and repent in his immortal soul …
4 For example , in 1983 it was said that ‘ even where the husband had been violent , it would be reasonable for the wife to continue to reside in the matrimonial home but to seek a court order restraining his violence or barring him from the home ’ and in these circumstances the authority 's duty would be ‘ to advise the applicant so to do , not to accommodate her as a homeless person ’ .
5 They had no Chief Rabbit — no , how could they ? — for a Chief Rabbit must be El-ahrairah to his warren and keep them from death : and here there was no death but one , and what Chief Rabbit could have an answer to that ?
6 ‘ Oh God , it 's going to be a terrible place ! ’ cries Howard to his fellow-guests around the Chases ' dinner table , holding his head and rocking it from side to side in humorous despair .
7 When abruptly he lifted his head and set her from him , dazed and disorientated , she staggered a little before regaining her balance .
8 But the defendant is left with a grievance and , in those circumstances , what I feel obliged to do is to accept the application that has been made on his behalf and to discharge you from returning a verdict in this case . ’
9 Even so , he was their servant , not they his , and that fact bridled his tongue and kept him from being too familiar with them .
10 And Meg told the watching millions that her mum hammered on his door and woke him from a nap during a break in filming .
11 It has long been held that the writs of mandamus and prohibition will go either to compel the visitor to act if he refused to deal with a matter within his jurisdiction or to prohibit him from dealing with a matter that lies without his jurisdiction .
12 ‘ Then I suggest we go back to the hotel in Trujillo , get hold of his number and phone him from there . ’
13 The huer 's job , after announcing the sighting of the shoal , was to guide his own boat to the fish , signalling East or West by removing his coat and waving it from side to side and , when the boat was on top of the shoal , by placing his coat on his telescope and holding it aloft .
14 She kept hold of his hand and guided him from the room .
15 Dom João offered her his hand and helped her from the litter .
16 For this , the physiotherapist usually sits in front of the patient on a stool , in order to stabilize his pelvis and prevent him from folding in the middle .
17 He put down his glass and took hers from fingers which were inexplicably trembling , then twisted her round to inspect her back , ‘ You 've had your back in the sun .
18 Whereas in his rise to power , Nicolae Ceauşescu had needed to make deals and alliances with other , equally ambitious , apparatchiks , once at the summit , he needed to dispose of them to preserve his position and to protect it from intrigue .
19 Quite unconsciously he had punished his wife instead of his mother and protected himself from bossy women by holding the marital reigns so tightly .
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