Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl remained on close terms throughout his life : his early letters to her and to a Salzburg cousin , Anna Maria Thekla ( ‘ the Bäsle ’ , as he called her ) are full of juvenile high spirits , spiced with an earthy , often indelicate sense of humour , while his later letters to his sister show a touching solicitude for the state of her health and spirits .
2 ACTOR Tom Conti is doing his bit to help the ailing economy by buying only British goods .
3 Carter had advocated deregulation , but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action .
4 His successor displayed no great competence for the job even though he had been a member of the House for twenty-four years and had successfully met the demands of peer review to achieve major leadership posts in the legislature .
5 Siome news in brief — the fatal accident inquiry into drug deaths in Glasgow has just ended with the sheriff telling the parents of the victim that while he understood their feelings of helplessness and grief , it was n't his function to hold the general inquiry into the misuse of drugs .
6 He believed in the chain of command : he communicated with civil servants through their ministers and ( with occasional exceptions ) with ministers through the prime minister ; and he did not regard it as his function to supervise the actual process of implementing decisions .
7 Jeffrey was refused help with the prescription for his inhaler because the Department of Health said his income exceeded the required level .
8 His technique shows a masterful grasp of the conventions of the philosophic dialogue perfected by Plato .
9 Slim informed him that ‘ he and his amy have no legal status ’ .
10 But he was in a sense revivified : his heart withstood the weakening effect of his illnesses much better than it had done in the same period of the previous year , and this was the first winter for some time when he had not been forced to seek treatment in a clinic .
11 Dr Neil bent down to take the bloom from her , and as their hands met his heart gave a great lurch .
12 She looked up and smiled , so that his heart gave an absurd bump of joy .
13 His opportunity to counter the French threat came in the Low Countries , an area which had witnessed English intervention against France almost half a century earlier .
14 The appeal of St James , and his influence , became for a space immense ; his cockle shell a great mark of prestige and spiritual hope worn by successful pilgrims , or those who wished to be thought so , for centuries to come .
15 As far as William was concerned , seizing the English throne was just one move in his struggle to resist the growing power of France that had already lasted twenty years and would take up the whole of the rest of his life .
16 But more important than that it was also a triumph which brought to an end his struggle to win a second Tour title .
17 If he was in a procession the other members of the procession still worried about his inability to walk a straight line and feared that at some point he would peel off from the file .
18 Whereas the satiric intentions of Divorce Italian Style were pointed and comic , Alfredo Alfredo gets unduly preachy as Dustin and his mistress join the four-year fight to change the Italian law on divorce .
19 However , Mohtashemi 's election to the Majlis in the December 1989 by-elections [ see pp. 37137-38 ] represented an attempt on his part to make a political comeback .
20 A PRIEST yesterday vowed to continue his fight to bring a private prosecution for murder against the doctor of Hillsborough victim Tony Bland .
21 A ROMAN Catholic priest vowed yesterday to continue his fight to bring a private prosecution for murder against the doctor involved in the Tony Bland case , even though magistrates threw out his first attempt by refusing to issue a summons .
22 It was a passing glimpse , since there was nothing else from the chest down , his pull spinning the lightened torso around , almost weightless in the water .
23 His tie was badly knotted , his shirt had a crumpled look — everything about him suggested a man hastily summoned out of bed .
24 But promising newcomer Victor Ubogu has taken his shirt leaving the older hand desperate to push his case for the Barbarians against the world champions , Australia .
25 His fancy had a strange tendency to wander to the river , which he knew was flowing through the great city ; and now he thought how black it was , and how deep it would look , reflecting the hosts of stars — and more than all , how steadily it rolled away to meet the sea ( 6 ) .
26 Paige 's arms slid around his neck , one hand running sensually through the thick mat of hair at his nape , the other gliding beneath his robe to caress the muscled strength of his shoulders .
27 My friend in the business pointed out that his guitar had a slimmer neck than its big rival .
28 She stepped back with remarkable alacrity , but Jackson was quicker , using his foot to halt the closing door .
29 Were his money worries the main source of his anxiety ?
30 His text preserves a careful balance between deference , quotation and his own selective critical comment :
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