Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun sg] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Two spectators jump in , seize his trembling body and carry it away from the dancers .
2 During the post-war period Hayek has drawn out some of the assumptions underpinning his economic theorizing and developed them into a general theory of society .
3 Saddam Hussein , on the other side of the street , lifted his right leg and scratched his toes against his left calf .
4 And he actually sat down on the edge of the bath and pulled off his right shoe and thrust it under my nose .
5 When his unlucky opponent approached , the fighter would grab the scabbard with his right hand and raise it in the air as if it were the knife .
6 Reaching out , she took his right hand and placed it very gently on her breast .
7 He grasped his penis firmly in his right hand and agitated it .
8 Despite breaking his right arm and gashing his head and chest , he freed himself , plunging 500ft before his reserve chute opened .
9 Hosanna padded down from the steps that led up to the patio door and sat beside her , lifting his right paw and placing it on her thigh .
10 The courier took an envelope from his inside pocket and passed it to Tuck , and also offered him paper and a pen , so that the receipt could be acknowledged .
11 He held out his hand to his junior master and composed his face into a solemn expression of trust .
12 Mercer Lorrimore was over in England at that time , and stayed and went racing at Newmarket in July , but the Jockey Club found him grimmer than his usual self and understood it was something to do with his son , although he did n't say what .
13 The Mutawas offered the father moral support in his strong stance and showered him with accolades for his religious conviction .
14 Having his own was his greatest wish and transformed his life .
15 Royal Scottish Chief Executive Ian Offor wrote thanking him for his prompt action and sent him a Fortnum and Mason luxury hamper as a token of appreciation .
16 Charles was grumbling as Damian supported his weak body and helped him out to the car .
17 In a lull of comparative quiet in the wind-driven roar of the rain , Hoc leaned towards his elder brother and put his lips close to his ear .
18 The dawn of the philosophical Enlightenment had almost no effect upon the average European who still tilled his feudal strip and grazed his animals on the common land .
19 The £800,000 signing from Nottingham Forest then paid tribute to the man who has helped transform his fiery character and enable him to take such a setback calmly in his stride — player-boss Francis .
20 I noticed that the assistant bank manager was biting his lower lip and grinding his right fist into his left palm .
21 The Prince was furious at this intrusion into his private life and authorized his friend , Lord Tryon , who was present at the picnic to shout a four letter word at the journalists concerned .
22 So he offered Sinatra a role , he accepted and flew into Old Tucson , Arizona in his private jet and did his role in one day .
23 To improve his nutritional state and get him into clinical remission before surgery he was given Elemental 028 but immediately became systemically unwell and developed diarrhoea and vomiting .
24 For all those years Adolph Brückner had guarded his bloody loot and built his reputation as an art lover around it .
25 Go and in his bloody face and shove it in it .
26 He took off his bloody tunic and wrapped it around her , smoothed the hair away from her face .
27 He leaned closer still , his warm breath ruffling through her hair and she had to fight against an almost overwhelming desire to lay her head on his broad shoulder and feel his arms close around her .
28 He took the tiny piece of crumpled paper from his top pocket and unfolded it .
29 He took a pack of mint drops from his top pocket and offered one to his companion .
30 The Doctor hooked the handle of his umbrella over his top pocket and pulled his paisley scarf from around his neck .
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