Example sentences of "his [noun] that he [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
2 Shiona could see from his eyes that he meant it .
3 Was he really so unbelievably sure of his charms that he thought he had only to indicate his wishes for them to be fulfilled ?
4 He recorded in his diary that he thought it represented such a threat to the good name of politicians that a special regulatory authority should be set up to stop the BBC ever doing anything so wicked again .
5 So they tied him with chains but the demonic powers were so great in his life that he snapped them like new cords .
6 Since the literary works to which Ken devoted himself in the long years which followed his brief episcopate were largely unremarkable and unread , the waste of his inspired and inspiring vocation as a bishop has appeared both to contemporary and subsequent critics exasperating ; for his scruples about swearing the oath of allegiance to William and Mary were so nearly overcome by his friends that he asked them not to continue their arguments lest he succumb .
7 Thingol , Luthien 's father , is so enraged that a mortal should dare to woo his daughter that he says he will only give her hand to Beren if he will wrest one of the Silmarils , or enchanted jewels , from the iron crown of the dark lord Margoth .
8 I reckon he has got a law case on his hands that he thinks he might lose .
9 He found himself struggling on his back with the stifling presence of the flag wrapped round him like a shroud ; the strange thing was that as he weakly continued to struggle ( for the staff lay across his legs , pinning him down , and the lanyards had somehow trussed his elbows to his sides ) , he recognized the sensation immediately : this was a nightmare he had had on the night they had taken refuge in the Residency , and repeatedly since then throughout the siege ; when the Collector , cursing , had at last fought his way out of the flag , it was such a relief to escape from his nightmare that he felt he did not mind so much about the sepoys .
10 But Jesus , who never responded to real unbelief , showed by answering his prayer and healing his son that he recognized it as doubt .
11 One essential was that the head had to make it clear to his colleagues that he trusted them .
12 He himself admitted so when he emerged , telling his followers that he thought he had killed Comyn , whereupon one of them rushed in ‘ to mak siccar ’ ( make sure ) : the Kirkpatricks of Dumfries have ever since carried the emblem of a bloody hand with dagger and the motto ‘ I mak siccar ’ on their coat of arms .
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