Example sentences of "his [noun] that a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 James was foiled mainly by the determination of the European powers , including the Warrior Pope Julius II , to fight one another instead , and certainly not by any substantial doubt on the part of his subjects that a king from Scotland was overreaching himself ; indeed , his popularity was to bring him an enormous Scottish army for the campaign against the English in 1513 which ended in the disaster of Flodden .
2 I accept that the right hon. Gentleman could not go any further at that time , but is he aware that his argument that a change in the defence of provocation might allow for revenge killings is wrong and invalid because juries would not accept it in the case of revenge killings ?
3 This last interpretation might confirm Astrophil as a lover of truth through his acknowledgement that a representation of love in verse is artificial , that he is feigning .
4 Many spokesmen for the Christian religion have echoed the conviction that St. Basil expressed with his statement that a life of meekness and piety knew higher concerns than whether the earth was a sphere , cylinder , or disk .
5 I do n't know what he did with his spare time , although I suspect from his conversation that a lot of it was spent in pubs . ’
6 Discussing the painting of Picasso and Braque , he added to some general remarks about the return to a more formal and intellectual art his view that a painting by Picasso was ‘ the tangible equivalent of an idea , the image in its totality …
7 Althusser 's question therefore paves the way for his view that a corpus of knowledge is the outcome of practices .
8 Such is the state of his house that a part of the ceiling recently fell on his head .
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