Example sentences of "his [noun] for [noun] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand the owner is clearly involved in the business and may well use his car for business the question is how much .
2 At the same time it needs to be stressed that despite his close relations with Wagner the man and his reverence for Wagner the artist , Nietzsche 's first-hand acquaintance with his idol 's artistic achievements was in one important respect limited : experience of Wagnerian music drama in its proper theatrical setting was largely denied him .
3 CONVICTED Wall Street speculator Ivan Boesky , who once commanded a $1 billion war chest , is suing his wife for $1m a year in alimony to bolster his sagging finances .
4 Mr Boesky , who served 22 months in jail and paid a $100m fine to settle insider trading charges , told a court his request for $20,000 a week was ‘ embarrassing and painful ’ and he was ‘ humbled to come before this court ’ for ‘ interim financial support . ’
5 Here then is this man who has this very unusual interview with Jesus Pilate the hard hearted and hard headed governor of Judea , the representative of Caesar the might of imperial Rome and he has upon his hands for trial a man whom he is convinced is innocent .
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