Example sentences of "his [noun] [coord] it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Son of Thatcher ’ may have provided a holding position in the first days after his election but it has no life left in it .
2 He has guarded fiercely against the band 's tapes being made public but listening to them years on , it is difficult to understand his uneasiness and it seems a loss to fans .
3 That he has used his linguistic skills to make such a protest , where before he has been content merely with linguistic cleverness , marks an important development in his character and it leaves the reader with a distinctly more favourable impression of him at the end of the play than at the beginning .
4 I 'm not saying it had such a positive effect on his career but it caused a lot of attention which he did n't buckle under , and I do feel a lot of people could n't have lived through that experience , but he did .
5 She heard the incredulity in his voice and it fuelled the small truth that had been niggling at her , unacknowledged , all day .
6 He says he saw a fish and then looked at his blade and it had a part missing .
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