Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Man , on the other hand , who within this particular characterization of the nature — culture dichotomy is deemed to lack such natural and visible creative functions , is obliged , or at least has the opportunity , ( to use the words of Ortner ) to assert his creativity externally through the medium of technology , ritual and symbol .
2 ‘ A boy … ’ he said , his heart still with the wallpaper-stripper .
3 Simultaneously MacArthur expressed his views publicly in an interview with the British correspondent , G. Ward Price , which appeared in the Daily Mail on 2 March .
4 He looked at the handle of the punch he held , fitting his fingers wonderingly into the shape another hand had worn in it , a good hand , muscular and slender , shaped very much like his own .
5 Venner grinned amiably around whilst Clinton , as cool as ever , drummed his fingers soundlessly on the table top .
6 She trembled beneath his touch , feeling the warmth of his fingers even through the material of her dress .
7 The driver sat drumming his fingers nervously on the steering wheel while the attendant busied himself filling the tank , checking the oil and radiator , and wiping the windscreen .
8 Almost she rose through the strata of realities to wakefulness , but then her lover glided his fingers gently over the curve of her jaw to mine pleasure from her throat .
9 Harrison drummed his fingers impatiently against the surface of the table .
10 Lyfing of Crediton doubtless owed his advancement largely to the influence of his uncle Brihtwold of Cornwall and to his own services to Cnut during the 1027 pilgrimage to Rome .
11 She pulled his shirt away at the back of his neck and dropped the document down inside .
12 Vasili glanced over his shoulder , his foot already on the brake and his hand dipping towards the gear lever .
13 In some patients there is a flexor reaction which makes the patient draw his foot away from the floor on contact .
14 If the patient has a positive supporting reaction , the physiotherapist places his foot carefully towards the floor , grading the pressure it receives in order to reduce the automatic reaction of pushing down as soon as it makes contact .
15 " What about , " Graham said , pointing one finger at Slater , who pursed his lips and tapped his foot impatiently on the fire-surround , " those people who like Barry Manilow and John Cage ? "
16 The two-way went dead and Gregson replaced it , pressing his foot harder on the accelerator , coaxing more speed from the Scorpio .
17 Now , with both hands braced , he slid his foot further under the thing 's head and upper shoulder … and heaved again .
18 Flat road , no brakes , and he 's got his foot hard to the floor , it wo n't go any faster .
19 Sometimes he thought that he 'd have liked nothing more than to be like Michael of the tarmac boys , gap-toothed and thick-headed and with no greater concern than that of pissing his money away at a speed roughly equal to that at which he made it , but he had to make do with the hand that he 'd been dealt — thin-skinned and solitary , one of nature 's observers .
20 Mrs Huntley sighed ; her brother whom she had loved , but knew to be self-indulgent to a fault , had done his niece real harm by leaving so much of his money away from the girl who had confidently believed herself to be his favourite thing on earth .
21 It 's him on the white horse dropping his money all over the place , and those fellas with the funny bloomers following him .
22 Andrewes would commence by reading out his text both in the English of the Genevan Bible and in the Latin of the Vulgate and would never lose sight of it , frequently repeating it throughout the sermon .
23 He will hear evidence and submissions from each party ( although these may be written rather than oral ) and is bound to make his decision solely on the evidence presented to him .
24 It is remarkable for his description there of the way in which his own original composition had been done .
25 To him the ground may be steep and rough but on the whole it is even ; and he can pick his direction easily from the top of his moving , six-foot tower .
26 Humphrey did not confine his activities solely to the steel works and walked across the fields he had known during his earthly days .
27 All three on the other hand , and here Blanche was imagining what Parkin might say in his defence once in the interview room , had a good reason to want to see the blame for the murder transferred to Parkin should they have killed Nicola themselves .
28 A person can become a Christian for all sorts of reasons , but it is vital for Christianity if it is true , that he think through his faith afterwards to the point where he understands why he believes — at least to the level at which his mind demands satisfaction in understanding other areas of life .
29 Stranger this new guest might be , certainly Cadfael had never seen him before , but it was no particular problem to work out who he must be , even if that left his presence here as a mystery .
30 ‘ My compliments to Sir John but tell him Master Daunbey would appreciate his presence here in the courtyard . ’
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