Example sentences of "they [vb mod] not be [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 it would be sacrilege if he gets the vacant No 4 shirt , they may not be allowed to do that anyway .
2 But , molly-coddled by the government for years , they may not be equipped to stand on their own two feet .
3 They must not be allowed to lose sight of the prime message .
4 These questions are worth asking , but they must not be allowed to detain us here .
5 This is not to say that functionalists would be in sympathy with Freud 's belief that certain unconscious mental processes are so anxiety-provoking that they must not be allowed to enter awareness .
6 But they must not be allowed to become bored with the whole thing .
7 They must not be allowed to train a new and superior élite , and free places in them ( when and where they are introduced ) should go not only to the cleverest but to those who need a boarding education .
8 What is important is that they should not be trying to enter publishing on an uncommercial basis , especially when there are such clear and obvious shortcomings in their performance in almost all the areas that are quite clearly their responsibility , and on which the future of British tennis depends .
9 You should be sure of why you are using quotations ; they should not be used to show off your reading or to give the impression of knowing more than you do .
10 They should not be left to suffer illness and misery because they ca n't afford to heat their homes properly . ’
11 But if Marx 's arguments were valid in their historical context , they should not be allowed to block the development of concrete proposals which , although not acting as historical blueprints , could help to more accurately define , and hence mobilise support for , socialist objectives .
12 However , the court agreed with the views expressed obiter by another division of the court in the case of Emerson ( 1990 ) 92 Cr.App.R. 284 ; where a transcript was provided it was merely a means of presenting the exhibit , which was the tape itself , to the court : if the jury wished to hear the tape rather than rely on the written transcript , there was no proper reason why they should not be allowed to do so .
13 " They should not be allowed to arrange unchecked and uncontrolled the terms of peace and to decide alone the conditions which will follow it . "
14 Certainly they should not be allowed to fall back on supplementary schools as an alternative to mainstream provision .
15 If however the local officials in the state of origin have access to appropriate procedural guidance , there is no strong reason of principle why they should not be allowed to communicate directly with the Justice Ministry or other central authority of the state of destination .
16 De Gaulle wanted first for the Commission to end the pretence that it was a potential European government , and also its efforts to impose itself on national governments ; and second that if the Treaty of Rome requirements about majority voting were to apply , they should not be permitted to do so in situations where a member state deemed its vital interests to be at risk .
17 It seems quite wrong , for example , that they should not be required to state explicitly the amount of damages which have been paid in settlement of the action .
18 The vendors ' first response to a request for warranties is likely to be that they should not be required to give any because the management knows far more about the day-to-day running of the company than they do .
19 In contrast , deliberate reformulations are designed to achieve particular contextual effects , and they should not be taken to indicate a failure to communicate any more than , for example , repetition .
20 In it Taylor defends ideas that Mill himself found too radical ; primarily , that women should have access to the same professions as men , and that they should not be forced to inhabit ‘ separate spheres ’ .
21 He says they should not be forced to abandon their education .
22 The contractors are rightly concerned that they should not be forced to pick up the bill for problems which are not of their making .
23 They should n't be allowed to do this to people .
24 Erm , yes Chairman , the , the suggestion of the recommendation if you like , that er , Reginald 's erm , proposal it is , er to participate is , is er , rejected by er , I do n't particularly feel that way about it , that erm , if , apart from the fact that the contribution is sizable , and I do n't think that we 'll get all that many applications from the Regional District Council anyway , but erm , I would n't see harm at all of both Oswestry and Bridgenorth being allowed to send a representative if there were any applications , it 'd be good for their area , er , and er , even if they were n't allowed to vote on it , and I suppose they should n't be allowed to vote on it , erm , I , I would see it as erm , another attempt , another avenue to , towards partnership between District Council and the County Council development .
25 well this a science orientated college and they should n't be allowed to get out of control .
26 They could n't be expected to argue with that .
27 They could n't be allowed to do this , because they were still attached to the creance and might get themselves caught up round the perch .
28 Erm , another thing too it 's a , just a pity that that chap there , well both of them actually are standing whe pity they could n't be persuaded to move over a little bit because they are , you see this chap in a dark suit , he 's right against that very dark archway there .
29 It is also to agree that they could not be said to represent the mass of unskilled working people .
30 In which case they could not be said to have decided the issue for themselves , let alone for others .
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