Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [adv] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As llamas are such graceful beasts ( in all but manners ) I was delighted to read that they may soon widely adorn the British landscape ( ‘ Europe 's farmers plough a new furrow ’ , 8 December 1990 ) .
2 Just as someone has short sight , penicillin allergy or diabetes never recovers from these conditions but can nonetheless do or not do various things that diminish their effects or progress , similarly , sufferers from addictive disease even though they may no longer use the substance or behaviour of addiction .
3 By the time you add a three-way catalytic converter there 's not much difference in the cost of making petrol and diesel engines ; take into account the lower warranty claims on diesels , and they may well actually cost the manufacturer less .
4 They may also partly explain the limited success of attempts to induce a full programme of T-cell development using either monolayer cultures of a single thymic stromal cell type , or cocktails of cytokines .
5 Also , in so far as price rises are a reflection of business prosperity , they may also favourably affect the opportunity to organise .
6 They may not even have a friend .
7 However they 're quick to point out that these are early days and they may not even have the right gene .
8 If , therefore , an old person at this stage moves a distance into the son or daughter 's home , they may not only lose a lifetime of familiar associations but they must struggle with complex adjustments within the family .
9 They may not always exhibit the wisdom of Solomon but at least they might know where to draw the line .
10 They may not actually put the tenor clef in till grade grade five now I come to think about that .
11 So when Wulfstan 's texts mention secular affairs it should be remembered that they may not fully reflect the decisions of the meeting which heard them preached , nor are they likely to reveal aspects of royal administration of which churchmen disapproved .
12 Although they may never fully understand the practice and culture of the examinations committees , students on the Modular Course do not feel assessment , examinations and awards to be one of the great mysteries of life .
13 They appear to be in a catatonic state , but this is deceptive because they may then suddenly bite the hand that holds them .
14 It is , of course , rendered suspect simply because the writers connected with the tradition appear to be guilty of having ignored the best evidence concerning Abdulkerim and Molla Arab and because , in order to remain consistent , they must therefore necessarily extend the Muftilik of Molla Husrev to cover the period in the reign of Mehmed II from which the Muftilik of Abdulkerim appears to have been removed .
15 This suggests that to the criteria for trust wording a further one should be added : that the words be not only ‘ mediate ’ ( in the sense that they do not attribute property directly to the beneficiary ) but that they should also unequivocally attest the testator 's intention that a trustee should be under a legal obligation to a beneficiary .
16 They 'll probably both have a police permit since they study Italian at the University . ’
17 The Easter Road club have n't even scored against Hearts in their last five games and they 'll almost certainly face the new Hearts strikeforce of Mo Johnston and John Robertson tomorrow .
18 Why , on cold winter nights like this , they might even briefly rue the desire that had brought a howling babe between themselves and sleep .
19 There was clearly no gold to dig up , and the Indians did not look like becoming docile tenants — the question was whether they might not instead drive the newcomers into the sea .
20 an opportunity to tackle a problem or task which they might not otherwise have the time or resources to take on ;
21 They might not positively help the IRA but they 're not , properly speaking , innocent .
22 There are reasons for believing that if the above liberal reforms were implemented , they might not significantly reduce the volume of corporate crime .
23 They might nowhere near touch the ground !
24 Their poor score will fail to recognise that they might well fully grasp the concepts behind the question — which is what they are being tested on .
25 They could n't really think a man in Rodney 's position would have a motive for killing a little secretary , could they ? ’
26 Forty-five per cent of this group said that they could not even make a guess at the likely interest rate .
27 They could not easily accept a return to old party cries or the need to oppose men who had become close friends .
28 Strangely , they could not clearly discern the engine in detail , for the haze still surrounded it .
29 I mean time of physiological difference and strength needs of their strength that they could just about fire a and he could n't even pull them back and so they you know , fine if you wan na go hunting use the boat
30 They could just about remember the Store , but it did n't mean much to them .
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