Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 And as for yourself , you too should try talking to a friend or relative whom you trust — the chances are that they may already have realised that things are going badly .
2 They may even try to ensure that they do not have any who are popular enough to filch " their " votes .
3 This pessimism may have some truth given the present management approach within our schools but it is suggested here that if that managerial frame of reference was itself to be radically re-oriented , then teachers ' perceptions of their own professionality would also be powerfully affected and they may indeed come to feel that effective classroom activity was positively related to their performance in the wider school context .
4 They may then have made that a major guiding light in their teaching , introducing the concept carefully but firmly , whilst at the same time concentrating on improving the agriculture and amenities .
5 From the standpoint of more worldly considerations , the signing of the concordat soothed the irritation of those Catholics who did not like the trend towards closer relations with what they saw as Protestant — that is , heretic — America ( although they must also have recognized that the Catholic political and economic lobby in the United States was large , rich and influential ) .
6 But as he and Sara looked about their new home in a winter twilight , they must soon have recognized that the Lime Street cottage would be one major obstacle in the path to contentment of any kind .
7 It was held that this loss should be recoverable from the shipowners because they should reasonably have contemplated that the delay would have resulted in a loss .
8 They might also have noted that they played an important part in bringing Attlee more fully to the notice of the electors .
9 Had their remit been wider , they might well have discovered that many of the teachers ' anxieties about LMS arose from a lack of faith in school-level decision-making and a feeling of being somehow ‘ outside ’ the decision-making process : a ‘ victim ’ of change rather than an agent of it .
10 They might indeed come to believe that they were not really living in Africa at all .
11 When he and others advocated extra divisions in the Edwardian period they could not have foreseen that the formation of a Third Division in 1920 would create an extra demand for players of talent at a time when a large part of the male population had been wiped out in a world war .
12 They could only have believed that tanks had eternal lives .
13 Although Bouton and his collaborators have failed to establish context-specificity after simple conditioning , they would not want to claim that such an effect can never be seen — there is ample evidence from experiments using rather different training procedures that a change of context can produce a performance deficit .
14 ‘ However ingeniously and wisely the civil and industrial controls and rationing schemes may have been devised ’ , wrote Sir Richard Hopkins , Head of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary to the Treasury from 1942 to 1945 , ‘ they would not have achieved that full success but for the goodwill with which amid the strain and stress of war they were accepted by industry and by the community as a whole . ’
15 Jesus ' audience , however , would not have recognised the ‘ son ’ as Jesus because they would not have realised that he was going to die .
16 In the early days , when unionist politics were in a state of flux , some people may have been alienated from the Church by their dislike for Paisley 's political image , but they would not have felt that the Church was a DUP church .
17 They would not have known that it was a replica pistol .
18 Cos it was written by men about well they would n't have known that though would they ?
19 They would certainly have thought that such events were unlikely to happen for millennia to come — if at all .
20 This seems ironic as they will usually have boasted that they were the top sales people at their previous firms .
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