Example sentences of "they [vb mod] have a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Millmoor club were due to give Ford a free transfer but have now indicated that they may have a change of heart following the keeper 's fine run at Scarborough .
2 They may have a sense of reduced status .
3 Sibylle nevertheless demonstrates these in the hope that once members reach the privacy of the home and the comfort of a carpet , they may have a go at them .
4 The lack of evidence of greater efficacy and acceptability of serotonin reuptake inhibitors means that their adoption as the drugs of choice in major depression may be premature , although they may have a role in subgroups of patients in whom other treatments are contraindicated or have failed .
5 It seems probable , however , that since factors such as gastrin are being produced by the developing stomach from about 18 gestational weeks , they may have a role in the development of the gastrointestinal tract .
6 Ruane said , ‘ They may have a crowd in town from Abu Nidal .
7 There are of course reasons why people do not set goals : they may not realize the importance of goals ; they may not know how to set about it ; or more importantly , they may have a fear of failure .
8 In other words , they ca n't go out themselves , perhaps rock climbing , they may have a lot of other attributes , but they have n't that particular attribute .
9 They can help to identify which companies you ought to be looking at , they may have a database of relevant information , and if you are looking at information-gathering from a number of companies they can save you time and effort if they do the legwork .
10 My constituents , er many of them will be concerned personally because they may have a relative in the army , now that we 've got ground troops out there , or they may have a relative who 's lived there or , or you know , God forbid , some of , some of them may have relatives who , who are hostages .
11 But here in this field , still more than in sharedealing , they must have a flair for bludgeoning money out of punters if they are to survive .
12 The worst hit firms might decide that they must have a reduction in pay in order to stay in business .
13 They must have a hell of a reason for wanting us on that boat . ’
14 They left Alice with a little pile of pamphlets and leaflets , and , hearing that hot water would soon be among the amenities of this house , Reggie remarked that they must have a talk about finance .
15 They must have a lot of catching up to do . ’
16 Well they must have a lot of money .
17 Aphorisms do n't have to be right , but they must have a snap to them .
18 They must have a team of people to present their case to the industry .
19 If , as seems likely , drug makers , food companies and others who are obliged to have their new products approved by the US Food and Drug Administration are going to be asked to pay for their vetting , it seems only reasonable that they should have a say in how it is run .
20 They feel that as it 's their heritage they should have a say in the matter and a proper consideration and therefore there are thousands of signatures saying please can we have a public inquiry .
21 They should have a sermon about Rome when he got back .
22 From the singers ' point of view , there was a condition that they should have a copy of the film for their private use .
23 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
24 And then erm they 'll have a couple of hours or an hour break there probably and then erm
25 We have er patrols , patrols out in the erm out in the area as part of our normal job , if they see anybody infringing the order , they 'll have a word with them and er make sure they know about it , and apart from that , as I say , we 're appealing to the good sense of our customers , we are in a very serious situation .
26 And they 'll have a home in Nairobi .
27 ‘ Who knows , ’ Ernest said , ‘ perhaps they 'll have a bit of food to spare .
28 they 'll have a go , they 'll have a go at anything now ,
29 They 'll have a parachute on it I expect .
30 He 's engaged and they 're saving up to get married , but Helen and him thought it 'd be better to buy one now because they 'll have a lot of expenses after they 're married and wo n't have Helen 's wages . ’
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