Example sentences of "they [vb mod] n't be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From a personal point of view I think that charity , charitable giving by er companies whether big or small should be erm should be erm on that basis I mean they should n't be looking for acknowledgement but unfortunately in the real world companies are looking to see what we can get back in terms of the investment they make and
2 They should n't be programmed for a pattern during these exercises , in other words they would be turned off , or they too will respond to the pattern and show a different needle movement .
3 It is the logic of the asylum to sell scanners without restriction and then say they should n't be used for the purpose most people buy them .
4 it 's a , it 's for the students for God 's sake , I mean they should n't be making like more hassles .
5 It it 's obviously wrong that where they have had access , lawful or otherwise , that the that they should n't be interfering with the rights and the ability of the walkers to walk along that route .
6 Obviously they could n't be ridden on a mountain , but magazine articles and newspaper features began treating them as a status symbol , and so every airhead on a salary of over £20,000 a year rushed out to buy one and take it up a mountain .
7 When they arrived at her close he took her inside , along past the stairs to where it was dark and they could n't be seen by the rest of the close .
8 It would have meant the hole was stopped , they could n't be pushed into it themselves .
9 One day , soon after he arrived in the dale he had reason to go to another farm and overheard a conversation between two old ladies.p They were lamenting that it was a sad day because outsiders were coming into the dale and taking over farms and was n't it a shame they could n't be let to locals . ’
10 Now she knew the safety of her room was illusory ; it was just that they could n't be bothered with her .
11 The new ideas were an outgrowth from this , but were sufficiently novel that they could n't be pursued within the terms of his research contract with the DOE .
12 Madeleine said : they could n't be buried in the cemetery if people had forgotten all about them and did n't know where they were , could they ?
13 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
14 They woke on Sunday morning and people wre going to church … they dare n't be seen in their working clothes .
15 They would n't be chatting about the weather and their verrucas .
16 Isabelle might have left her the case , but she 'd hidden these things away , making sure they would n't be discovered at least while her husband was alive .
17 They used to be fed in the pen up there and they would n't be killed till Mondays .
18 So all they had to do then was go on to Hollyhead and they were refreshed they 'd had a meal so they would n't be dying of hunger .
19 With luck they would n't be remarked upon .
20 She 'd been counting on rescue services arriving with the dawn , but maybe they would n't be coming after all .
21 There 's a proof because so if two people were contemplating the proof of the infinity of primes they would n't be going about it in different ways , erm , if they 're contemplating the proof , they 'd be contemplating exactly the same steps in the same order .
22 They would n't be bothered about chasing a boy like Kevin — they would just grab the stuff they wanted and then run away .
23 They would n't be knocking at the door tonight , nor any other night so long as she was careful .
24 The nuns had gasped and gone to the Mother Superior for reassurance that they would n't be infected by the infidel in their midst .
25 More than half say they would n't be put off a woman if they knew she carried condoms ; only 17% would regard it as a turn-off .
26 If they 'd done so , if they 'd insisted that local authorities did provide the sites they are supposed to provide I believe there would now be sufficient pitches for all travellers and that they would n't be used for illegal parking erm at the level that there is at the moment .
27 They would n't be left with a whole pile of stuff or er .
28 They are bad news in a block of flats , and they ca n't be relied on .
29 ‘ Bands bigger than us have got a responsibility — they ca n't be messing with the kids !
30 ‘ No , they ca n't be killed at all , or at least not in this dimension .
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