Example sentences of "they [vb base] to be [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 It 's hard to draw a prick in the act ; they tend to be covered from sight in this position unless they are superhumanly long .
2 Quite often they have to be found from other regions .
3 They have to be suspended from battens and are most often made from pre-finished , slotted insulation board , polystyrene or fibreglass .
4 The trouble is that whereas actors move and speak as nature would have most of us do ( only rather better ) , in the performance of music we are using tools ( with the exception of the human voice ) which are in some way external ; they have to be mastered from without rather than from within — and things do go wrong .
5 We ca n't just keep asking the people that actually pay to come to the matches to do it all the time , they have to be supplemented from industry anyway .
6 In order for the shoots to grow and mature they have to be protected from browsing animals , and hence woodbanks are common features of woodland archaeology .
7 But while there may a shortage of suitable female candidates , it also becoming clear that there are women who have made it precisely because they refuse to be deflected from their chosen career .
8 They need to be fed from ( and vented to ) a cold water storage cistern unless they have their own integral cold water cistern .
9 It seemed to professionals and parents that there are certain ways in which young people can be helped : regimes they should follow ; treatments that are essential to their well-being ; skills and knowledge they require ; and risks that they need to be sheltered from .
10 Eyes adapted for nocturnal vision are so sensitive that they need to be protected from light during the day .
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