Example sentences of "they [vb base] [adv] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , suggest that they sit quietly and listen to the discussion .
2 Moving to the ‘ library of the future ’ , many libraries have long given up their comprehensive collecting aspirations : they purchase selectively and rely on access , for example through interlending and document supply , and also on access to bibliographic and other electronic information sources .
3 But grypesh do much the same as we do : they hole up and wait for the weather to pass . ’
4 This is the impact that a speaker has when they stand up and speak to a group of people .
5 They stand there and moan about being cold or wet , about their ailments , about the inadequacies of the National Health Service , about rising crime levels . ’
6 It 's said to last for days even this great high that they get when they jump off and leap off these bridges or something on a bit of elastic .
7 In the day them seem small and far away But at night they crowd closer And stand like frowning giants .
8 Er , quite often on real projects people produce these plans and they get out and work to that and never had to pause to think , this is a good one , this is a bad one .
9 We play to lots of kids who like The Jam and I think that they hear something like ‘ English Rose ’ and I believe that they go in and look for something deeper .
10 If I can wave to that group of kids and they go home and talk about it , fantastic , or if I can just sign a measly bit of paper for a kid and he 's so stunned he ca n't talk , that really brings home to me what I am doing it for : because it really makes me feel good . ’
11 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
12 Then they go out and look at potential users to study their expectations , their values , and their needs .
13 And I often say that young ladies who are looking over their shoulder like this , you 've got ta be careful of the neck because when they turn round and look over their shoulder you get creases in the neck , and there is a slight crease in the neck there but most of it has been disguised by covering it with her hair , so look out for that when you have a young lady , or anybody , looking over their shoulder , particularly with young ladies , when they look over their shoulder like that it does cause creases in the side of the neck which can be unsightly .
14 They turn round and say to me , they never say Stoke on Trent , they turn round and say to me , what part of Yorkshire are you from ?
15 They turn round and say to me , they never say Stoke on Trent , they turn round and say to me , what part of Yorkshire are you from ?
16 Those who do not share the dewy youth and slenderness of Kate Moss will only look older and more swollen if they adopt the ‘ new ’ look ; but if they do n't and stick to the Lacroixs and the YSLs they 'll still look their age , so it 's a no-win situation for the power dressers .
17 There is need to emphasise the importance of encouraging people to re , receive some sort of training when they come forward and offer to be involved in the work of our under eights and young people .
18 But in the autumn they come down and settle in the grazing pastures where we take the sheep in summer .
19 However little time I spend at the front they do n't come in and get on with something , they come in and wait for me .
20 With difficulty , but I think it is fair to say as well it has got great compensations , because if you build walls , if you 're hiding , if you 're pretending , if you 're always subscribing parents and stopping them from coming in you make problems ; parents worry and suspect that there are problems behind those closed doors , and I think this is why we have established fifteen different parent teacher groups which meet regularly in different parts of Sussex , from Seaford to Shoreham , to Hove , to Brighton , and in small groups of ten/fifteen/twenty they 'll sit down with a teacher and they do n't just do fund raising they thrash out the different aspects of their children 's education and then they come in and meet in a main committee and I think it is this involvement that enables the parents and the teachers to work very closely together .
21 With petit mal , the small fit , it used to called vaguely , you could talk to somebody and then go on nattering away and then suddenly the person would switch off and then just stare and then after a while they come back and talk to you and it 's , they pick up exactly where they 've left off , so as I say it used to be called day dreaming , now that 's the low end of the scale , now we go to the other end of the scale and remember please that there 's no set type for an epileptic , anybody , anywhere , any age at any time can have an epileptic fit , you do n't have to be that type , do n't .
22 Turn your back they 're talking to you say they 've been nasty and then they come back and talk to you .
23 Some dragons banter words with you , more devious and less answerable than the Sphynx herself ; they spin word games which you must not play , and then in the end they come out and fight like men , until you can plunge your spear into the soft white spot where their plated armour is thin .
24 Sunlight at the top of the vent pipe attracts flies from within the pit and if a gauze is fitted over the top they fall back and die in the pit .
25 Slithering through damp meadows at night , wriggling over rocks and up waterfalls , even finding their way into mountain streams , ten thousand feet up in the Alps — in these resting spots , they settle down and live for many years .
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