Example sentences of "they [vb base] [verb] for [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently they tend to opt for conservative technologies .
2 Get you some victims to be included because presumably they want to appeal for more members
3 The organisers say they hope to cater for all tastes at The Belfry , and they 're certainly trying their best .
4 Privately owned papers which are unprofitable do exist , but this is because they receive backing for other purposes — political , in most cases .
5 The prime wild salmon which they catch sell for low prices — estimated to average £20 per fish — because of the impact of farmed salmon on the market .
6 In the refectories they try to cater for all tastes with vegan and vegetarian dishes daily , Halal meat for students in hall .
7 They make remarks about an unmanly attitude , and they pretend to look for yellow streaks .
8 The Harris say they 'll fight on to stay in the house where they 've lived for 17 years .
9 but by the time they 've stood for five minutes they are .
10 They admit arranging for 5,000 dollars to be handed over in envelopes but say they were merely responding to UEFA instructions to cover the officials ' expenses .
11 Instead , they have argued for non-discriminatory tariffs which , in effect , would be imposed in a way which would take the existing level of imports as a baseline .
12 In this heart-warming play , an elderly couple spend the summer , as they have done for many years , at their lakeside home in Maine .
13 The monuments in our care are the best and they have survived for specific reasons — yet they are only the tip the iceberg of our archaeological inheritance .
14 It is a remarkable tribute to their builders that they have survived for fifty years in regular service , albeit in rebuilt form .
15 Sometime this year , when they find the five-bedroom house and 100 acres or so they want , they will take themselves and the building business they have run for 10 years down there permanently .
16 It reinforces the need for ex-employees to be very careful not to use non-literal elements from programs they have written for previous employers .
17 They have prayed for new ways to effect transformation and green consumerism has been revealed to them .
18 ‘ There were totally unacceptably delays and quite recently the Boards lodged a full statement of claims with lawyers for McDonnell Douglas , They have asked for more details , and these have now been given .
19 They have to re-apply and pay , by competitive tender , for franchises which they have held for many years .
20 It notes that by hiring two firms , IBM gave itself maximum scope — and also upset the search industry because search firms are barred from approaching a company they have worked for two years after a placement , and barred for life from approaching an individual they once placed , so each of IBM 's two can pass on such names to the other .
21 The Minister is aware that those who work for 16 hours or less do not have the right to itemised pay statements unless they have worked for five years and that those who work less than eight hours have no right to them at all .
22 The methods or ‘ media ’ they have used for these explorations have evolved over time — and have been aimed at an ever wider audience .
23 The actual notes used are not completely constant , as they have to change for tonal reasons , but one has a general impression of constancy through the unchanging regular movement and similarity in note shapes :
24 Secondly , they have looked for cheaper sources of deposits .
25 The influence of Kilkenny and Galway hurling is reflected in the fact that they have qualified for three finals , minor , U-21 and senior .
26 [ O ] ur statesmen have the greatest opportunities they have had for many years , and likewise the greatest duty .
27 These muscles have the function of keeping us upright against the ever-present force of gravity ; they have the advantage of never tiring as they need to work for long periods at a time .
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