Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb past] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With your wonderful knowledge of the Bible , Mr. Deputy Speaker , you produced the Lazarus motion which revived them all from the dead and they eventually passed on their way through the House .
2 What , what people had , had Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and they perhaps came for their order on the , or their weekend joint on the Friday and I 'd make the whole ticket up and they 'd pay and then that ticket would be torn off and if they wanted that meat delivered on the Saturday , that would be delivered with that ticket on the top .
3 Those wonderfully powerful steam engines belching out smoke as they literally trembled on their way , the fair men hanging on to all sorts of vantage points as they progressed towards their goal .
4 He told the police they normally walked to their accommodation in Forest Road by a different route , but on that day they went along Boundary Road because the other path was muddy .
5 It had been a part of her intention in coming here to banish those shades : already it seemed they were darkening her mind as surely as they still lowered across her father 's .
6 I knew it by the way their eyes glowed green and yellow in the dark and because they always hopped in my direction in spite of how much I hated them .
7 By keeping it more or less behind them and to their left they could be sure of travelling north-west which was the direction they believed right but the inequalities of the ground often forced them out of their way and although they always returned to their line they had to guess what corrections to make to allow for obstacles .
8 When they were away , there was always the worry that they would never come back but when they got home , they always brought with them gossip of other places and other people .
9 All they ever saw of their guide was a faint distant tail-light , and then only rarely , at irregular moments after long periods of doubt when it seemed that they had lost the scent , made the wrong decision at some unmarked junction up in the stormy darkness .
10 Things did n't grow very well in it because it was in shadow and Patsy was n't much of a gardener , but it was her own , and nobody ever touched it , any more than they ever went into her room .
11 When we read in the Roslavl' files that twenty-three agitator brigades were dispatched to villages in order to celebrate international Women 's Day , it is hard to imagine that they ever came across our peasant woman from Struga , and even more difficult to believe that they would have much impact on her ways of thinking even if they did .
12 This point had been raised before by intellectuals and they usually suffered for their lack of ‘ loyalty ’ .
13 In the same week , they also got into his ground floor flat twice and stole his cheque book and card .
14 Although the Gothic novel and the Gothic taste helped to give such houses a new lease of imaginative life , they also assisted in their demolition .
15 They also departed from their rubber-stamp tradition in a vote on the controversial Three Gorges dam project on the Yangtze river .
16 They also removed from his house a large amount of material , including copies of petitions signed by Belgrade intellectuals , copies of the ‘ Petition of the 2,011 ’ , and various letters .
17 They later intervened on his behalf when he was investigated for criminal fraud , thereby opening themselves to allegations of having accepted bribes .
18 The drama created a desire , a need for knowledge , which was useful to them — and when they later returned to their drama they were far more committed to it .
19 He gave her a speaking glance and they both rushed for his car , neither needing to discuss the question of whether Belinda was willing to donate her blood for Faye .
20 When he came home on leave in April 1930 , they both returned to their childhood home and made all the necessary arrangements for its sale .
21 They both played on my stuff and we all played with Joe Walsh , which was really a great buzz , pounding out Rocky Mountain Way … ’
22 They then said to their Dad that although they missed their Mum very much indeed , they were beginning to see that their Dad needed them around to have people to talk to about their Mum , and so now they were asking Jesus to make sure nothing else awful happened .
23 I often heard voices arguing , and usually they never argued about their writing .
24 The boys , Paul and Nasey , had never brought their friends home , and now they too worked with their father in the yard .
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