Example sentences of "they [vb past] [coord] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How could she presume to argue with them when she knew nothing — nothing — and they lived and worked in situations like this ?
2 They skidded and slid down Montrose Street past the Maternity Hospital , they shoved and jostled through the Candleriggs , blocking traffic in front of the Sheriff Court ; they poured past the great arches of St Enoch 's , Central , and Queen Street Stations , filling the Square to overflowing .
3 And outside this family home he might have heard the call of the greylag geese as they rose and circled in flight above the River Vistula within whose rolling sight he had been born in 1920 .
4 When she came out , Iris was on the balcony doing her morning routine of breathing exercises , straight-backed , the sleeves of her cotton robe falling away from her thin arms as they rose and fell in time with the rhythmic and somewhat noisy intake and expulsion of air .
5 I spent a great deal of time with housemasters ( see Chapter 22 ) and hence I became interested in the kinds of problems they encountered and began to follow-up the children I saw regularly in their offices .
6 They hooped and hollered with john Wayne , Sitting Bull , Doris Day and Jack Palance , thirsty for the shooting and the scalping , riding hell for leather through gorges and down hillsides .
7 Glossy blue-black , heavily built , they twisted and turned in unison , deep croaks echoing back from the walls of the ravine .
8 They sauntered and stopped without warning and she had to duck and weave through their chattering bunches .
9 Whatever their private political opinions ( in many cases left-wing ) , they collected and published with dedication and enthusiasm exciting new evidence which forced informed European opinion to discard the hackneyed image of the poor , benighted savage .
10 By noon on the same day , it is hue , the Government had accepted that there had been a slight set-back and that the European Communities Bill would have to be put temporarily on ice , but almost immediately they conceived and put into place a new plan .
11 When he came at week-ends he played with them vigorously , until they screamed and wept with over-excitement .
12 The boards turned and swooped away , their gaudy sails flashing across the lough until they dwindled and merged with others by Buncrana .
13 another of our teams on the wrong end of the result this weekend … were Gloucester … they went and lost to London Scottish in their first league match of the season … the score eight-three
14 Ross now admits that his decision to record what they saw and encountered without reference to any personal response , in imitation of the camera-like approach used by Christopher Isherwood in Goodbye to Berlin , results in an ‘ inevitable distancing ’ .
15 But to my horror they looked and smelt like Yahoos too , and I told them to keep away from me .
16 They eloped to Exeter and after the divorce , they married and lived in Portugal where Sneyd died in 1793 .
17 They stood or sat in groups on all the branches around Little Billy , staring at him as though he were someone from outer space .
18 Some time before his entrance , campesinos had rushed and squabbled like geese when another confession box was opened , but now they stood or sat in silence holding their children to them as the liturgy was gone through .
19 They sat and waited in silence , listening to the scuffling of leaves that drew steadily nearer , until suddenly the bird stepped from nearby undergrowth into the clearing .
20 They washed and dried in silence , and then the twins appeared with lemon cake all over them .
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