Example sentences of "they [be] all [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are all made up of the same shapes-triangles , squares and rectangles .
2 She will lunch with selected guests in the new council offices , and an hour beforehand they are all turned out in their best suits and dresses fidgeting in anticipation .
3 When they are all put together under topic headings the full interview schedule will then tell us how long the interview is likely to take and if it is much too long some pruning can be undertaken at once .
4 They are all pumped up at the moment .
5 It is not , as they claim in their own idealistic illusions , because the leader loves them all equally , but because they are all persecuted equally by the primal father , the leader , and they all fear him equally .
6 The typical interviewee profile of the ‘ recreational user ’ is that of ‘ dabbling ’ at weekends , usually sharing a ‘ bag ’ with a friend , then gradually filling in the days in between until they are all taken up by heroin use .
7 They are all growing up with the computer effortlessly .
8 But this first impression is grossly misleading — as you 'd realise if you heard Diversion 's rather wonderful EP , ‘ BZ ’ — four short , sharp pop songs which roll around experimentally in a wide field of influences and still come up smelling of roses , mainly because they 're all squashed together into spunky two and a half minute blasts .
9 Well we 've some of them queuing outside and they 're all they 're all queuing up for something and they 're going to get nothing each .
10 Oh they 're all lit up across their car .
11 They 're all fed up with this shit .
12 No they 're all tucked well in , now she needs it still to be up here , right , so what 's the best thing that we can do to make sure it stays up in the high position ?
13 went to have a look in his bedrooms like and I they 're all done out in pine , every bedroom is done out in pine .
14 They 're all ganging up on you , the banks , the tax people — and you 've got to survive .
15 They 're all ganging up on us .
16 Oh , they 're all getting in on the act , are they ? thought Dalziel .
17 We have the club slides in our house so that you know really whoever takes over organizing the meeting should really have those and they 're all sorted out in order so it 's just a case of diving in the bag and looking for whatever you want , ever the I always try to bring some fish to look at , to the the scr to the screen erm some of the fish that were on show on the table for that particular sh er in erm table show because I think it shows interest and to learn more about the fish and it 's always nice when somebody else knows a lot more about the particular species than you do , and i is able to tell you quirks and fancies that they have .
18 They 're all weighed out with the saddle , weight cloths .
19 They 're all brought out for you , saddled and bridled ? ’
20 I had a close look at that table , obviously a matter of some interest and that 's the reason I return to this , as I read the table , there is a very substantial amount of double counting within it , for this reason , that all outstanding er planning permissions are included once , and there are then separate categories of allowance for all types of sites , namely large windfalls , conversions , small sites , and allocated sites , those are all put in , er or most of them are put in at thirteen years worth , that being the remainder of the plan period to two thousand and six , it will not have escaped you that if you include thirteen years worth all the existing commissions are part of that thirteen years , and so simplest approach to correct that table would simply to discount the outstanding commitments , because they 're all counted again as part of the thirteen years , I do have a secondary point that the allowance for conversions is very much higher than what seems to be happening , and in what is in the tables that er Mr Thomas drew it to your attention from the York City er appendix eight , so that er on on two counts , but mainly the double counting one there is a great deal of er erm optimism , if I can call it that , in that table .
21 They 're all wrapped up in their feathers like old men in blankets trying to keep warm .
22 They 're all wrapped up in bits of cloth and lying on all this cardboard .
23 honourable member what he 's really saying as I understand it Madam Speaker is there 's too much bureaucracy and the bureaucracy is going to prevent anybody acting because they 're all overlapping , they 're all paid out of presumably the public purse as well , there 's a there 's a enormous number of public off officials that is preventing er a a clear direct , exes executive arm .
24 It 's that Ripper bloke they 're all going on about .
25 As I was saying to me mam like , all these John Major and that , they 're all going on about what they 're gon na do .
26 They 're all going up on Monday .
27 and they 're all going down with their little cards in their hands as they
28 And they 're all going out for dinner tonight .
29 I asked him , I said before we go any further , can you get these with the complete package and he said no , they 're all going back to the N H S typed thing because that 's the look , the look people want
30 They 're all turning up at the Evesham Leisure Centre to learn circus skills .
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