Example sentences of "they [adv] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Students received a certificate only if they successfully completed the whole course : partial success was not formally certificated .
2 These courses tended , on the whole , to be externally examined and students only received a certificate if they successfully completed the whole course .
3 Yet when interest rates fall , as they have done recently , they rarely show the same enthusiasm for cutting their rates .
4 Doubtless they represent a thorough-going attempt to adopt the sort of Roman style envisaged by Fortunatus , and they presumably drew an admiring response from some of the more backward-looking members of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy .
5 I find that they bitterly regret the Labour party 's dogmatic commitment to repeal , contrary to the wishes of the college principals , the Bill going through the House precisely because the Opposition Front Bench are acting at the behest of a few backwoodsmen Labour county councillors throughout the country .
6 Skirting the marshy end , they slowly climbed the gentle slope on the other side to join the carriage drive which led them to the stable .
7 During a visit to the Galapagos in 1835 , Charles Darwin was fascinated by these birds , and they eventually played a central role in developing his theory of evolution through natural selection .
8 It goes on to say and it came about that in thy journeying eastward they eventually discovered a valid plain and a land of Shinar and they took up growing there and they began to say each one to the other come on let us make bricks and bake and bake with a burning process , so bricks served as stone for them and
9 Via the trachea and the oesophagus , they eventually reach the small intestine .
10 A British embassy official wrote to the Foreign office , " It seems that they only got a fourth-floor berth at the Excelsior … because some Persian industrialist vacated his suite . "
11 The Pakistanis have been incensed all summer by mutterings that they only make the old ball swing so violently by tampering with it .
12 To sort of make out s make sure you 've got this and that so you 're ready for the confinement and er But they only came the last minute when when they were the ma mams were expecting their babies .
13 They only lasted a short period , but the Command engineer followed up at once with proper drawings aid specified the correct heat resisting metal .
14 The Transport Department is said by the report to " have recently admitted that they only put a nominal value on public open space which would be destroyed by a proposed road scheme " .
15 The youngest ones are the Institute of the future and they only require a little encouragement ( a twist of an arm ) and they will become reliable , enthusiastic committee members , secretaries or chairmen .
16 ‘ In places like Tynedale they only had a small stock of housing anyway and that 's been reduced .
17 He declared contemptuously that their only well-developed mental quality was their memory , that they only had a small amount of intelligence , and that they were ‘ incapable of affection for man. ,
18 But she said that they had been so many months or when everybody else had a pay rise they only had a little bit .
19 And what happens is that females , females have pouches that produce eggs but they only hold a small , they only hold a small volume .
20 ‘ Oh well , ’ said very prettily , ‘ I can put up with mosquitoes since they only take a little nibble .
21 The wardens originally received twenty shillings for their work plus expenses ; now they only receive a small allowance towards their expenses , which is paid after they have served their two year term .
22 They call these intelligence , even though they only represent a small part of the mind 's capacity .
23 Finally , one can always sell the gold and any good jeweller is likely to be interested ; in my experience , however , they only offer a modest premium over the world 's spot price and , quite honestly , it is a meagre reward for all the effort .
24 But , as Taylor shows , in the value-adding spectrum , they only comprise the first stage of a four-stage process .
25 They only wan na small place , you do n't wan na a big
26 Although studies of land use like those outlined above provide useful overall data , they only produce a limited picture of what the countryside actually looks like and how it is changing in appearance , and this type of study remains at the heart , if not the mind , of many of even the most socioeconomic quantitative geographers .
27 Of the three informants ( 10% ) who marked it , at this late stage , as an SF element , two indicated that they only read a small amount of SF , and the other said that she never read anything of the genre .
28 But within this group he looks specifically at solid tumours and they only have a four year survival of twenty percent .
29 big like gun in like a staple thing it was , but it was a la , it was an extended one , fitted inside this rubber hose and then , clamp it and they only have a little bit of stomach left so they ca n't eat proper meals
30 They 've uncovered the remains of a first century village and graveyard … but they only have a short time to dig up the relics , before work continues on a pipeline straight through the site .
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