Example sentences of "they [modal v] [vb infin] [to-vb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ We have sent letters to everyone we believe has been in contact with the doctor but if anyone else feels they would like to have a test to put their mind at rest they should contact us . ’
32 They would like to extract a declaration of intent , making it clear that , when the time comes , Israel will indeed implement Resolution 242 by withdrawing from the occupied lands .
33 And when people in our main survey were asked how they would like to repay a loan ( Appendix 1 , Tables 47a and 47b and comments on those tables ) , the great majority said they would prefer monthly repayments , or at least would not mind ; only one in five said they would prefer weekly repayments .
34 And they would like to buy a name to go with the millions .
35 Once the students had agreed the language to be taught-lexis , structure and discourse function — they were asked to work out in pairs how they would plan to prepare a class for the Negotiator assessment .
36 Those preferring to have them collected , or to take or send them individually , were mostly older people , and people in lower socio-economic groups , and people who — when they were talking about being so short of money that they would have to arrange a loan — thought in terms of a relatively small amount of money .
37 The procession takes place whatever the weather but Mr Cecil Hitch thought one year they would have to call a halt because of the terrible conditions .
38 By then the office would be busy and they would have to contrive a meeting where they would be unobserved .
39 The question is whether the eleven member states could amend the existing legislation or whether they would have to adopt a parallel , but separate , legislation .
40 I was sep separate and apart from that , they would have to have a operating room and a dispensary there , you see that 's what they would have to have , I mean , if there gon na have P D S A premises , this is what you 've got to have , cos very often the animal has to be put under and all sorts of things , you know what I mean , it would n't be just an office with say like a physician and a tenants , it would be a case of a , a surgery and things in that nature which would be required by , er quite a number of animals .
41 Those clamps had to be locked at the Air Force base where they were loaded So they would have to have a key there .
42 ‘ The Iranians have been given a lot of leeway in the hope that they would cease to have a terrorist agenda .
43 It would be unrealistic to expect the majority of researchers from overseas to maintain their UK research interests when they return to their country of origin , or move elsewhere , as many of them do , to the extent that they would wish to complete a paper or papers based on their UK findings .
44 It would be unrealistic to expect the majority of researchers from overseas to maintain their UK research interests when they return to their country of origin , or move elsewhere , as many of them do , to the extent that they would wish to complete a paper or papers based on their UK findings .
45 We suggest that the mere passage of RTW laws will not eradicate unions that are already established : they will continue to extract a rent associated with the wage differential .
46 So and they , what they will start to get a bit low so that 's , I mean if erm if that one ne , if he comes in , he 'll probably be here Monday .
47 He denied that any hardliners would be expelled , expressing the hope that ‘ they will decide to join a party which still clings to the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat ’ .
48 Patients aged 18 or over are deemed legally responsible for their own actions , and it is often with great reluctance that they will agree to see a doctor and possibly begin treatment or undergo admission to hospital .
49 They will have to do a lot of physical fitness training .
50 I will favour the right hon. Gentleman by quoting one thought that was expressed in that article : ’ If the single person discount remains a feature of the tax they will have to create a register — a point Michael Heseltine will eventually have to acknowledge .
51 They will have to move a bit towards each other but there is every indication that they will go through their married life fulfilling this role in their relationship .
52 ‘ My guess is they will have to jump a generation because the situation will become untenable . ’
53 We send out details to the schools each year , and they will book to bring a party of children round for , oh it lasts about two and a half hours altogether , and they will come either for a morning or for an afternoon .
54 So if they 're in rented accommodation then they will need to make a claim to a Local Authority for that .
55 If objectives are understood by all staff in a school , they will help to form a framework on which the activities can be based .
56 Otherwise , they will try to stop a swing with the stick and rudder together thus putting the wing-tip onto the ground .
57 But they are no longer sure what they can do to prevent a break-up if it comes .
58 Linfield certainly need all the help they can get to overcome a side with an average age of 22 .
59 Farmworkers are especially vulnerable because they 're isolated and if they 're working alone they do n't have any support , working in ones and twos on a remote hillside.Some do n't even feel they can dare to approach a union .
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