Example sentences of "they [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thanks to Saudi Arabia they may soon have a reactor too .
2 In fact they may even have a date for you here .
3 ( Who knows , they may even enjoy a book so much that the next time the author is published they may even buy it at full price ! )
4 In theory , things can only get better ; in practice , they may well become a lot worse before Wasps return in the league next March .
5 If accepting shareholders feel that the offeror has behaved badly , they may well accept a cash offer but feel reluctant to invest on a long-term basis in the offeror .
6 School monitors are distinguished in many ways , the most obvious being the vermilion gown ; they may also grow a moustache .
7 Believe , consider , judge , think , declare , imagine , all may precede states of affairs set out in the form of an explicit clause ; they may also precede a structure consisting of noun phrase + adjective , where the adjective is a clausal one .
8 They may also smear a market scent on a flower which acts as a beacon to other bees .
9 Unfortunately they may also prove a hindrance if BSL is presented only as manual English , through the tutor 's adherence to English or through the other necessity of providing English syntax for deaf people one is in contact with , since ‘ it will help their English ’ .
10 They may also receive a disturbance/ settling-in allowance and a terminal gratuity .
11 They may also incorporate a transposition device .
12 They may also develop a pride in exhibiting their genitals , the penis in the case of boys , and the anus in the case of girls .
13 But if they wish to exploit s381 Taxes Act 1988 ( " TA 1988 " ) , which enables losses of a trade sustained in the first three or four years to be carried back to entitle individuals to repayments of income tax paid in preceding years , they may instead form a partnership to acquire the assets and business .
14 For example , although they may initially over-extend a word like dog to a variety of different four-legged mammals , they cease to apply it to any part of the domain newly taken over with the acquisition of a new word .
15 They must also pass a character test which is organized by the Netherlands Rottweiler Club .
16 They must also endorse an openness and frankness about conditions within the prison and the likely negative impact of the experience of imprisonment .
17 They must also complete a project on a topic of their own choice .
18 The scenes of horror and infamy on board of a man-of-war are so many and so great that I think they must rather disgust a mind than allure it . ’
19 They must now get a result against free scoring Glenavon next Saturday and rely on Bangor having an off day at Comrades .
20 They must now get a result against free scoring Glenavon next Saturday and hope Bangor have an off day at Comrades .
21 They must then develop a style of movement which will convey the life of all their characters no matter how minor their roles in the unfolding of the action or theme .
22 They should also garner a minimum of 35% .
23 One of the high-heid yins wanted to have 20 gondolas , but another councillor said they should only get a male and a female and breed them . ’
24 The POA says previous appeals for extra staff have fallen on deaf ears ; if the same happens this time , they fear they 'll soon have a riot on their hands .
25 But they 're slippery customers and they 'll probably find a way .
26 Not much to look forward to so they 'll probably like a bit of excitement .
27 I think they 'll just buy a strip anyway .
28 The adventurers can just take the damage and shut the door behind them ; the puppets wo n't follow , they 'll just hurl a torrent of abuse at the cowardly adventurers .
29 But they 'll also do a meal for four in your own home .
30 After a moment 's reflection , however , Jonadab went on , ‘ They 'll never miss a couple o' pairs .
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