Example sentences of "they [verb] [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They met with little armed resistance ( which must have been a relief to Louis , who had little confidence in his own military skill ) , and gained considerable incidental profit : the king 's person was seen in an area unvisited since the reign of Louis IV ; the counts of Nevers , Chalon , and Mâcon were brought to heel ; Burgundian lords appealed for the king 's mediation in their quarrels ( he also sought theirs ) ; the count of Forez , hitherto only a vassal of the Emperor , declared his most important castles to be held as fief of the crown of France , the first step in the integration of Forez into the French realm .
2 George Wing had been with Hay ever since they met at 1660 Heavy Bomber Conversion Unit .
3 One of the most important factors influencing children 's learning is the knowledge and understanding which they bring to any new task .
4 The intimacy with which she and Luke explored each other 's mouths was possession of a kind , so wholly were they given to that long kiss , and when it ended they had to have it all over again , instantly , mouths colliding with an urgency which carried them dangerously beyond mere sensuality .
5 and they sell at fifty four pence
6 There were twenty-seven butis in the Community , and they lived in this ought-to-be-condemned building off Stoke Newington High Street .
7 And erm , they lived in this little cottage and erm every night erm the moth , she would always stay up really late and the mother and erm her son would go to bed and she would always go out of this erm go out of the house every night and she would go , cos she had these three fingers which were blades
8 They swooped on 8 separate houses and flats , including 3 houses on the Hesters Way Estate .
9 Any existing members who believe they qualify for this new rating category from the 1st May next should contact the Autocover staff at Frank Glennon Limited who will arrange for their premiums to be adjusted from their next renewal date .
10 Pupils are taught on a block system , which means that they concentrate on one particular activity for a certain number of weeks , then move on to a different activity .
11 They rode through another crowded court and came to the inner court lined only by chiefs .
12 Up and down and over and over , again and again and I 'd marvel at the bulk of prayer they made in any one day .
13 ‘ What do you want ? ’ they asked with big bristly grins .
14 They passed between two floating pedestals , the gateway to the cemetery .
15 The journey was so organized that on their way they passed through several German states , clearly hoping to find indications of pro-French feeling on the part of the South German sovereigns , who , it was thought , would be alarmed by the seemingly inexorable rise of Prussia .
16 They passed through several more doors .
17 So strong was the feeling that several times she thought she caught the tail-end of a movement as they passed by several blackened stumps and she turned sharply , expecting to see something leering evilly at them , but there was nothing .
18 Three widely-prescribed drugs have come under question following the discovery that they led to serious undesirable side effects .
19 While the episode revealed the enormous power which the USA could wield in the American hemisphere , such actions provided no permanent solution to the fundamental causes of instability in Latin America — and they led to widespread anti-American feeling .
20 If any further evidence is needed to underline the growing possibility of a US-British rift over Northern Ireland , Clinton emphasises his support for the ‘ MacBride Principles ’ , which would require American firms based in Northern Ireland to abandon their operations there unless they complied with strict anti-discrimination criteria .
21 Bereft of the supernatural assistance previously offered by the Catholic priest and unwilling to rely solely on the petitionary prayers favoured by Protestants , they resorted to time-honoured magical charms and remedies to cure sickness , improve the weather , or ward off evil spirits .
22 When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding .
23 Corporatism is thus a non-zero-sum game from which all the parties can benefit if they refrain from unenlightened egoistic behaviour .
24 They develop into large bulky plants , so should be planted by the middle or end of July so they can get their roots down and put on weight before autumn .
25 But , they 're going to be made on , in fact , it 's going to be pushed rather heavily they change to this new system , and they 're going to have to meet some of the costs of development of the new system .
26 Algebraic quantities remaining essentially unchanged under a change in coordinates are important in coordinatised geometry since they correspond to intrinsic geometric properties .
27 Sidestepping the question of definition , they distinguish between four different uses of the term ‘ services ’ .
28 They fought like two great reptiles in a sea of mud : winding their limbs around each other until they resembled two serpents coupling .
29 They pecked at some dead creature on the moorland verge , squabbling over which of them should have it , wheeling and darting at each other like terrible shadows in the mist .
30 The term ‘ self-negotiated ’ can , however , also cause confusion , particularly in language teaching where students see their measure of success in their ability to speak and understand the target language and the progress they make in one particular course book .
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