Example sentences of "they [verb] [subord] [pron] [vb base] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 That 's where they report before they start and that 's where they report after they 're finished . ’
2 Figures taken from an American survey indicated that ‘ learners retain about 10% of what they read , 20% of what they hear , 30% of what they see , 50% of what they see and hear , 70% of what they say as they talk and 90% of what they say as they do a thing ’ .
3 Because teachers often can not answer the question of why they teach as they do and because they refer to statements such as that they just know what to do or have a feeling or sense about what to do , it has been suggested that what guides teachers in making sense of their work and what commits them to action is a mixture of " personal knowledge , tacit knowledge , routine knowledge … when conscious thought is not permitted the time to percolate and inform practice " ( Simons and Elliott 1989 ) .
4 Mary showed him the work she had done in the garden , and they talked as they cut and cleared .
5 They decide whether you win or lose .
6 They go where they want and do whatever they like .
7 They are very good though , they come when they say and they , they d they do something about it
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