Example sentences of "they [verb] [adv] [vb pp] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So , quite rightly , they 've already had some support , and at that time , we did n't know how much money , you know , we were working on a different budget .
2 They 've drawn 6 , though and they 've still got some steam left .
3 But it 's a bonus is n't it , because they 've had all this protection on this and they 've still got some cash building up .
4 To be fair to the youth education committee , they had already gone some way in answering the questions raised .
5 They were already the centres of civil administration , often derived from earlier minor kingdoms or tribal units , they usually possessed an early minster church and so were centres of ecclesiastical administration and they had already acquired some marketing functions more important than those of their neighbours .
6 They had obviously discovered some scrap to take with them , and it was him .
7 It is almost always difficult to discover how these men built their fortunes at the beginning , because they leave no significant mark in the records until they have already made some mark in society .
8 That Eliot tended to be curious in such matters , others have noted , and they have sometimes inferred some oddity in his own make-up .
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