Example sentences of "they [verb] [conj] they [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The men inside yelled in fear as they realised that they were in a bog .
2 My Lord the defence admit that no such advice was given to the plaintiff but they deny that they were under any duty er to give such advice and it is pleaded in the that er the defendants will rely upon the fact that Mr er held himself out to be er an experienced man of business and as such it was not necessary on their part to advise him upon the adequacy and arrangements for the financing of the operation .
3 What else can they want if they 're in these behind-the-arras jobs ?
4 I honestly believe that the rail workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent , other workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent if they believed that they were on their own that they were gon na fight in isolation .
5 They look like they 're on something .
6 I spect they 're coming home from work , cos they look like they 're in a real hurry .
7 Now this Act will bind six thousand of us — I am not speaking in my own interest , I am well past the age — but this Act will empty the glens of the young active men — and how can they marry if they are in barracks and camps in England , or in France if you send them there — you say you will not …
8 Mayne 's party spent the rest of the night dodging the enemy and , as dawn broke , they discovered that they were in the middle of a large military camp .
9 Are individuals psychologically disturbed because they are isolated or are they isolated because they are in some way disturbed ?
10 So valuable is it that some scientists regard it as a scent and as soon as they detect it , they know that they are on the right track .
11 Generally , people are rather flattered at the thought of being so important , but this may in turn create the problem that they become untypical because they know that they are in the sample , and will be questioned regularly about their lives , activities , and attitudes .
12 They overlap but they 're to some extent slightly different criteria .
13 Chairman , er I do n't want to prolong the debate because as I 've mentioned before there is indicated support from a number of people er but I 'm grateful er to the Liberals in the fact that they feel that they are in a position to support this amendment .
14 Politicians can only be trusted when they think that they are on the winning side and will ignore any democratic mechanism to prove that they are ‘ right ’ .
15 They stayed where they were for another minute or so , although Jack had to practically hold Ho down while they waited .
16 There was no consensus amongst the Serbs as to the form of government they wanted if they were to be able to force recognition of Serbian autonomy from the sultan .
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