Example sentences of "they [verb] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , the cheats amongst us ( like me ) will discover that you can import graphics into the Cel editor , and will quickly come to the conclusion that very lifelike images can be formed by using a scanner to scan individual frames from a film , and then pick out the bits they want and place them on cels to form a small animated sequence .
2 In the frenzy of dancing they lifted and tossed her from one to another , effortlessly through the air like seaweed in the sea .
3 And it becomes inheritance tax then if they die and leave it to you in their will ?
4 Hall uses the Marxist philosopher Althusser and the social psychology of Laclau to argue that politics is not just about individuals and social groups pursuing their immediate material interests ; it is also about how they imagine and identify themselves in relation to the wider social world .
5 They nodded and invited him to a meeting .
6 Then again they would just stand there , or squat down in the shade of a sand hill , their eyes fixed on the two endless parallels , following them out until they joined and lost themselves in the bush .
7 They seem to play a larger role in the arbitration of proper action , and this appears to be the case , first , because they like and respect them as a consequence of the way they themselves are treated , and second , because of their instrumental value .
8 Mosquitoes also use sound as a mating call , but they produce and receive it in a way that is all their own .
9 If in fact where they decide whether to pass it on the .
10 and they get , they get in this country and then they go and exploit them in another country !
11 One of the main problems of the European Community is over-supply , alright , so they try and use it as an argument , this perverse supply response , as an argument to maintain prices at their current level .
12 And they try and do it with a lot of gimmickry and
13 And they went and bought it in Brazil instead imported from Brazil where people are working for nothing .
14 They laughed and clapped me on the back and handed the container round the circle again .
15 They laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
16 They dressed and lit him against his character — softening where they ought to have emphasised the toughness — and they gave him a part with no verbal bite and no guts but even so it was not a bad first break for the boy from the snooker halls of Port Talbot .
17 No , they wrote and ask you for the exact date of day I started getting ability allowance .
18 ‘ If I get lonely , ’ she told me ‘ I ring up Fazila and Salima and they come and help me with my sewing . ’
19 Jean Margaret 's memo 17.1.89 re sickness , you need to make clear that Area Staff inform you of any days sickness they have and to ask you for a form .
20 Help them to like what they see and to accept it with as much encouragement as you can give .
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