Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even if they do , they tend to cordon it off from other feminist issues .
2 Their houses , the tall , crumbling tenements with their cracked roof tiles and their creaking balconies huddle together round the church as if they want to shoulder it out of the way .
3 Whether to you know sort of try and pick up the guys who are getting thrown out of Heathrow and make a long-term go of it or whether in the long term , em , they want to flog it off for gravel and you know mining it for gravel and sending it for houses and you know , that sort of thing .
4 They tried pushing it back into the hole but the force of the water was too great .
5 What did they do built it out of concrete or sand ?
6 And , they 'd handed it over to us and then obviously they wanted it back , but then
7 They 'd cleaned it up since then and taken the soot out .
8 Then on , they 'd got it on from time to happy time , eaten together every week , seen movies , theatre , films , drag , done disco , reggae , boogie …
9 Internal finishing is laudably neat and clean , all sanded smooth and completely glue-free , and I only wish they 'd finished it off by putting the label on straight !
10 What I was wondering was when you said that the dock stopped the money for payment for damages , they 'd paid it back to you .
11 They were all built round and round and up until they came to what they called the the e the part of the stack where they begin to make it up to the top , you see ?
12 It was not scheduled until later that night , but since the ATO team are there they decide to get it out of the way .
13 The H B F figure for Greater York was twelve thousand three hundred , the Barton Willmore figure was twelve thousand seven hundred , but they did break it down on a district basis , and they gave five six five o to Ryedale , and then Michael Courcier , represented by Mr Sedgewick , a much more modest figure of ten thousand six hundred , for Greater York .
14 Well he mixed with all the stars and of course , I suppose part of the underworld , but er they reckon that he did n't kill himself , I mean they did bring it in as suicide but er they reckon that you know , there 's people think he was murdered .
15 I bet they do put it out in the
16 They preferred to sit it out on the Fosse Way .
17 You 're hopeless at keeping a secret for you make it so obvious that people are sure to keep probing until they 've winkled it out of you .
18 well you know , John Smith laid out his budget for the next , study for the , to cover the next two years and there , I mean there 's no intention to , to change it in the foreseeable future , I mean they 've laid it out for two years so that the basic rate stays the same , that the personal allowances are being increased so that this will take a lot of lower paid people out of tax and that coupled with the child benefit will make everybody up to about twenty two thousand a year better off , and then from there they 'll be a , a , a range of people who to it wo n't make much difference
19 All over Austria , children are included in adult activities to a much greater extent than in Britain , but in the Alpine province of Vorarlberg they 've got it down to a fine art .
20 There was er she said , Blue Peter , and they should have put it in because they 've got it in for the kids .
21 So they 've knocked it off from everybody ?
22 It is , they 've give it out on the trains as you 're coming in
23 They 've put it from that wall , and they 've stuck it on to this wall .
24 They had to forward it up to the Pentagon .
25 Rufus had called her a waif and Adam had immediately ridiculed this word , said it was a romantic novelist 's word , so they had looked it up in Hilbert 's Shorter Oxford Dictionary and found illuminating things .
26 It had been they had put it out to the what they call peat moss .
27 Three men were needed to do the actual fitting of the tyre : two holding the tyre after they had taken it out of the oven , and one with a bucket of water to pour on to the felloes to stop them from taking fire as the tyre was clamped on .
28 They had talked it over in the Rose .
29 But North had at least a half-promise of another honour : Adolfo Calero revealed that the contras had plans to put up a statue of him in Managua , just as soon as they had won it back from the Sandinistas .
30 Perhaps , he thought , they hoped to link it up to a Euphrates Valley railway , which would make Baghdad a Russian southern capital .
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