Example sentences of "from time to time by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the archive has been used from time to time by researchers in pursuit of specific information , no general survey of the contents has been undertaken since the death of Lord Beveridge in 1963 .
2 The financial criteria are altered from time to time by regulations .
3 Over the years , although never establishing a close friendship with the Profumos , I have had an admiring acquaintance with both of them and am happy to see that their marriage was not ruined by this solitary episode and distressed indeed by its revival from time to time by creatures animated solely by greed .
4 Snakes have been mobbed from time to time by groups of ground squirrels .
5 The life of this normally gentle giant of a man was also punctuated from time to time by acts of sudden , often inexplicable , violence , usually associated with an over-generous intake of alcohol .
6 It would fully accord with the general principles of contract and treaty law if a mechanism existed for the parties to union to vary the terms of union from time to time by agreement .
7 He was assisted in his work from time to time by Samuel Holmes , a graduate of Magdalene College , Cambridge , who hoped to succeed him , but in fact on 27th July 1683 Timothy Dobson , of Jesus College , Cambridge , was appointed .
8 Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that , contrary to statements made from time to time by Northern Ireland Ministers , the administration of justice in Northern Ireland is signally failing to do that ?
9 As the author of this publication , my opinion has been sought from time to time by dealers , other scholars and the auction rooms .
10 Students shall be admitted to the laboratory or department under the charge of the professor , upon such conditions as Council shall from time to time by decree determine .
11 In addition , it is supplemented from time to time by statements of practice or policy issued by the Panel .
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