Example sentences of "from this [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A profound psychical revolution might erupt from this experience of the pregnant female as priest .
2 From this sense of the immense gulf between God and himself , and between God 's holiness and his own sinful existence , arises the pathos of Kierkegaard 's understanding of faith itself .
3 Nor did she think she could hide anything from this man with the golden eyes .
4 Some 80% of all personal computers are used primarily for word processing activities and there is obvious crossover from this position to the full featured page makeup package .
5 Again , the positive message which can be drawn from this part of the whole episode ends up buried by default .
6 From this identification of the poetic and the emotive it follows that Richards is far less inclined than the Formalists to stress the difference between poetry and ordinary discourse .
7 I wish him and his friends no evil , ’ said Bishop Jon , shaking down his book-satchel and peering into it , ‘ but it 's a difficult thing to make plans for your country with them sitting there , their heads switching from this shoulder to the other , and so sleek you would think it was a cow that licked them all .
8 I entirely agree with Richard Harwood that those district societies that put the effort into breaking their society down into local groups , small practitioner groups , commercial membership groups and , for that matter , any other group that seems appropriate , have seen the real benefits from this assistance in the vital area of communication and , perhaps an unseen fact , value for money for the subscription as seen through the eyes of the Institute 's membership .
9 For instance , the Home Secretary is regularly criticised for leniency on such issues from this lobby at the Conservative Party conferences .
10 The new feature that has emerged from this study of the parallelistic couplet is not so much the identification of a particular relationship of the lines of the couplet ( greater precision ) as a movement towards a statement of relationships within the poetic couplet .
11 Boyd Orr 's malnourished population was drawn almost entirely from this section of the working class and it was their lives which changed little during the inter-war years as Carl Chinn , and other writers have noted .
12 The finished machined material was then transported from this section via the special wagons , to the underframe shop : one load for the wagon side , and one load for the carriage side , each morning , for the first shift , and a repeat delivery in the afternoon for the second shift .
13 You do n't look the same from this side of the light Brenda .
14 Apart from this belief in the straightforward truth of books which would now be seen as in differing degrees myth , with Adam as Everyman rather than a historical figure , for example , there was diffidence about the boundaries of science .
15 She was disappointed , having glimpsed the possibility of returning from this expedition into the cultural heart of darkness with some creditable achievement to report to Charles and Penny Black .
16 Her glance slid from this face to the other and she found herself observed by pale eyes set in bloated white flesh .
17 He was not dissuaded from this strategy by the awesome losses of the Somme offensive in 1916 , nor by the doubts expressed regarding the scheme by his Intelligence staff and his fellow commanders .
18 The judges thus concluded that detailed excursions into the epidemiological evidence were by and large immaterial to the matter at hand : the question of whether there was deception involved in the statement that there was ‘ little evidence ’ and the imputations arising from this statement for the general thrust of meaning in the advertisement as a whole .
19 The conclusion one draws from this overview of the various therapies available is that the treatment chosen will depend on what the precipitating and underlying causes of the condition under treatment seem to be .
20 The complicated picture that emerges from this variability in the relative expectations that we have of reward or loss from criminal as against conforming behaviour is compounded by the fact that our different needs and requirements may often pull in quite different directions .
21 The girls in charge of the flock of children assembled from this extension of the royal Household watched in giggling amazement as the two children fell in love .
22 From this postulate about the general nature of the verb based on our experience of happenings , one can deduce the necessary presence of a spatial support in the mental representation signified by the infinitive .
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