Example sentences of "from the [noun sg] [prep] our [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In the same way we can transplant from the wilderness of our lives these images to our gardens .
2 We changed into dry trousers and extracted sweaters from the bottom of our bags .
3 We thank them from the bottom of our hearts . ’
4 ‘ Please thank your readers from the bottom of our hearts . ’
5 If Christ has not risen from the grave of our lives , from our doubts , fears , from our personal deaths , then all the so-called evidences of the resurrection are of no consequence except as props .
6 The Book of Proverbs makes it clear that happiness and discipline go hand in hand from the beginning of our lives : ‘ He who spares the rod hates his son , but he who loves him is careful to discipline him . ’
7 Well , yes , I mean Green politics do go to every area of life , obviously er we ca n't devolve the er environment from the rest of our activities .
8 It is evident from the work in our committees that the environment is now of great importance to those countries .
9 English Heritage chooses now to stress the responsibility of the many boroughs of which London is made up : ‘ Our policy is , in consultation with the boroughs , and over an agreed programme , to withdraw from the exercise of our powers where we are duplicating their functions ’ .
10 These changing attitudes in part reflect changes in attitudes in the world at large but they also stem from the evolution of our concepts of ‘ mind ’ and its possible physical bases .
11 Let us bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord here from Shiloh , that he may come among us and save us from the power of our enemies . ’
12 Soldiers from the base struck at our hands with metal rods while Thames Valley police twisted and karate-chopped fingers and wrists , pulled us from the fence by our necks and flung us into ditches and trees .
13 But in all these descriptions , as in his characters and his story lines , we are taken from the particular to the general ; we are led to see that it is not what happens that is important nor what effect action has on the people concerned , but what meaning we can extract , or guess at , from the impact on our senses and our intellect of the whole .
14 From the layout of our stores to the construction of our packaging , we not only care about the environment , we are also concerned for the well-being of the public .
15 Although in retrospect it might seem a vain hope to disguise ourselves as a motor yacht , we were not well known in the area and there were , after all , quite a few converted HDML 's about in those days , so we removed a few obvious identification marks from the ship including our uniforms , flew the red ensign and settled down to wait .
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