Example sentences of "from our [noun] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it is from our failures that we learn our most valuable lessons .
2 Similarly , the fact that the tiger is unable to figure it out from our behaviour that we have practically no sense of smell , demonstrates how instinctive and preprogrammed are their mental functions .
3 We are not primarily concerned here with the distribution of this variable through the range of speaker-groups and styles , mainly because this is quite evident from our tape-recordings before we start , and without formal quantification .
4 The most healing tears are those which neither overwhelm us with pain , nor are so detached from our feelings that we do not really own them .
5 ‘ This new album is not radically different from our others although we 've spent months in Glasgow writing and rehearsing . ’
6 You mentioned earlier on that that perhaps er like with Guy Fawkes , there 's a lot of things that come from the past , from our history and we lose Perhaps we lose a bit of sight about where they 've come from .
7 Erm , before we leave item one D , sir , there are two things that Hambledon would like to say both on the q questions that the Chairman asked , capacity , and also on the principal of breaking down the Greater York figure i into the constituent districts , erm , the first point , on capacity , erm , we feel that we have a very limited capacity , er to accommodate development needs advising in Greater York , you 'll see from our statement that we have just two settlements an , sorry three settlements in two parishes er within the defined Greater York area , Shipton , Beningborough , and Overton .
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