Example sentences of "from his [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rain ran down the harsh planes of his face and dripped from his chin on to the slick oilskin .
2 A figure darted from his cover on to the road .
3 She slid her hands from his cheekbones back into the thick waves of his dark , silken hair .
4 There was the case of an Essex player who smeared Vaseline from his eyebrows on to the ball and thus altered its flight .
5 It is surely only a matter of time before a tray falls from his hands on to a lady or gentleman 's lap .
6 By then a stream of colourless but pungent lemon-scented oil was dripping from his hands on to the floor and the cotton-wool .
7 Some of the sepoys were shot or cut down as they struggled to get over the possessions ' which stuck out jaggedly here and there ; a sowar pitched headless from his horse on to a silted-up velvet chaise longue ; a warrior from Oudh dived head first in a glittering shower through a case of tropical birds while a comrade at his elbow died spreadeagled on the mud-frozen wheels of the gorse bruiser .
8 Erm Eric in , in Manchester from where he comes is extremely well known obviously within the G M B but his record he 's one of the individuals in the trade union movement that I think are becoming somewhat of a rarity these days I know that many of us when we first started in the movement were very easily able , and , and very relaxed about combining trade union and political activities together but of course as time goes on and , you do tend to become more involved in the one and the other , because of course it 's all time-consuming but I can honestly say that in Eric 's case he 's never deviated one iota from his commitment both to the trade union , this union in particular , and to the Party never deviated at all .
9 The ash fell from his cigarette on to the table-cloth .
10 ONE of Liverpool 's top radio DJs was axed from his show today after a live bust-up on air with a listener .
11 Arnold Quainoo , had been removed from his post shortly after the September 1989 alleged coup attempt and his responsibilities assumed by Rawlings [ see p. 36967 ] .
12 Francis Pym , who had given a somewhat hesitant performance at the Foreign Office in the Prime Minister 's view , was removed from his post immediately after the election .
13 In the last five years since he set up his consultancy from his Bayswater home with a £20,000 overdraft and a stack of letterhead stationery , he has insisted that he will only work for causes in which he believes , and these causes are , by and large , left-wing .
14 Her eyes travelled from his face down to the mug which he held in his two hands .
15 Riding through the battered gates , unarmed , with nothing but the richness of his furs to identify him , James of Lusignan looked like a King , with the youth gone from his face along with the high-spirited waywardness .
16 He breaks into a wide smile , and a dried bogie snowflakes from his nose down to the ground .
17 There simply is n't any dramatic , conflict in a story about a purported villain who wears a Beatle cap , drinks from a huge glass with fish in it and gazes out from his island home on the great blue sea as he waits for his pursuers , a pair of handsome would-be lovers who sing songs like ‘ We could of , we should of , perhaps we can .
18 Peter took the bar over from his father shortly after the war .
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