Example sentences of "from the [adj] [noun] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Philip began to scoop grain from the opened sack into his polythene bag quickly .
2 Until the watershed of 1979 , few restraints on a Home Secretary 's freedom of action in the mainstream stemmed from the political ideology of his party or ministerial colleagues .
3 The urgency which imbued the comings and goings of the party men and , particularly , the rapidity with which Franco acted in the week following the San Sebastian meetings , certainly suggest that there existed a serious potential threat to the latter 's military and political plans , emanating from the political sectors of his own camp .
4 To the still ardent John Kemp the old Don is a romantic figure , while Don Baltasar for his part dreams of England as a glamorous country , free from the political pressures of his own adopted land .
5 It seemed to be heading from the far side of his grandfather 's bed towards the door .
6 She stared up at the granite-harsh features , trembling as much from the insidious effect of his hands on her back , pressing her against the male strength of his body , as from her growing anger at his arrogant , hurtful lack of confidence in her …
7 He had taken the van that morning from the gravelled patch outside his Station in the left wing of the Pitti Palace and driven across the city to the Appeal Court in Via Cavour .
8 Escobar escaped from the ranch-style prison with his brother Roberto Escobar and eight fellow prisoners .
9 The perceptive teacher has already , as we saw , moved very decisively from the traditional view of his role as a primary information source .
10 From the dark hole of his sleeve he brought forth his cuff , fiddled with the plain gold links , moved the files to the left , the right .
11 If it is not from the plane of his forehead , it is from the stealth of his left foot , if not from these bowdlerising runs , then from the pure panic of his upright presence .
12 He was always immaculately presented , exuding self-confidence and charm , and appeared totally detached from the horrific nature of his crimes , which he believed were a ‘ mission ’ he had to perform .
13 Fun 's the last thing I feel like ! ’ she replied swiftly , trying to pull away from the deceptive strength of his hold .
14 WASHINGTON ( Reuter ) — President Bush will undergo minor surgery today to remove a small growth from the middle finger of his right hand .
15 He plucked a heavy silver ring from the middle finger of his left hand , tugging it over the knuckle impetuously , and held it out across the table in his palm .
16 She recoiled from the blatant rejection in his voice , snatching hand and mouth away and flinging herself angrily on to her back .
17 The Americans watched the bamboo rod rise and fall and heard the sickening thud of wood on flesh and bone ; as the fallen Annamese struggled to raise himself from the dusty road they saw blood welling from the crimson weals on his back .
18 He was a very accomplished tracking dog and gained recognition from the Swedish police for his achievements .
19 In this process in which the psychiatrist ( or psychoanalyst ) looks outwards from the individual psyche into his patient 's social network , he inevitably moves into territory which the social anthropologist ( and in Europe the sociologist ) regards as his — hence , of course , the boundary disputes alluded to above .
20 The male then extrudes a packet of sperm from the genital opening beneath his thorax and deposits it on the ground .
21 Every so often he took a square-shaped flask from the inside pocket of his coat and stuck it to his lips like a trumpet .
22 He raised his hands resignedly , nodded as if to himself , and then drew his wallet , along with some letters and documents , from the inside pocket of his suit .
23 Gregson met the other man 's gaze and pulled a small photograph from the inside pocket of his jacket .
24 This can already be guessed at from the demonic intensity of his most famous recordings , and it is confirmed by first-hand reports .
25 From the earliest years of his career private collectors in Germany , France , the Netherlands and Russia were keen to acquire Kandinsky 's paintings in gouache and tempera on cardboard which he called ‘ coloured drawings ’ .
26 Offa must certainly have been concerned from the earliest years of his reign to secure Mercian control of Middle Saxon territory ( CS 201 : S 106 ) and London .
27 Although his constitution was essentially a durable one ( he was " tough " , his sister , Ada , had said ) , from the earliest days of his marriage he had in fact been prey to various kinds of viral infection .
28 2600 BC , who is known from the fortunate survival of his Epic .
29 Nevertheless he had to move cautiously , aware of the considerable prospective opposition from the remaining Gladstonians on his own backbenches , from the Conservatives , and from the Lords .
30 Like the piece by ‘ Eckard ’ on p.88 , the one on p.96 is attributed to a known composer Wagenseil but absent from the standard catalogue of his works ; this , too , seems to be the first movement of a two-movement sonata .
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