Example sentences of "they 're [v-ing] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're calling for more resources from the District Health Authority …
2 They 're not getting I T A flights , they 're getting for full fare , are n't they ?
3 They 're hoping for more bookings .
4 Overseas visitors are still coming here but they 're staying for shorter periods and spending less money .
5 They 're appealing for urgent help from the public .
6 Milton Keynes police have set up an incident room and they 're appealing for any witnesses .
7 Milton Keynes police have set up an incident room and they 're appealing for any witnesses .
8 They revealed they 're looking for two suspects .
9 They revealed they 're looking for two suspects .
10 Well , I would suppose that the person they 're looking for is similar in character , but if they 're going to er if they 're looking for that person I think they 've just got to act normally , and it 's not a one-off thing , I think it 's built up over the years .
11 And while they 're looking for that direction , they are vulnerable .
12 They 're looking for one sort of nice house to sort of show them more or less .
13 Unix System Labs Inc reportedly had a meeting with SunSelect last week : thinking is they 're looking for some help speeding up their PC emulation .
14 So they 're looking for some money to finance a research fellow at the Hospital .
15 They 're looking for some purpose for it all and they ca n't find it . ’
16 It 's at seven o'clock tonight , it 's at Road police station , they 're looking for white males aged about fortyish , five foot five to six foot approximately tall , of slim build , need to be clean shaven , shoulder length dark brown hair .
17 Supermarkets themselves say they 're catering for increasing customer demand , customers too seem to reinforce that attitude .
18 Erm now , so he said erm that 's what they 're aiming for this thing that they want them to do on May the eighteenth plus a sponsorship walk on the sixth of June
19 So , we must oppose that and er also they 're asking for new powers er to move illegal travellers from land this is just another device because of their failure to provide sufficient sites throughout the country and if the of Essex County Council do their job er they they do n't need these new powers , what authority ought to be ha , er having are powers to provide some er , camping places for people .
20 Now they 've come out the front door and the bus is running er coming down the road so they 're running for that bus , so they 're using up their energy , the insulin level 's there , but the energy level is going down .
21 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
22 16,000ft up in the Bolivian Andes the miners of the Cerro Rico chew coca leaves , they 're preparing for another day in the tin mines .
23 because people are dissatisfied with the treatment and they 're paying for that treatment and they 're dissatisfied , so you always get complaints whether you pay or not
24 ‘ Och , they 're waiting for Happy Hour . ’
25 Meanwhile they 're waiting for another summons to pop through their door .
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