Example sentences of "they 're [verb] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 're bound to be able to help . ’
2 They 're bound to be suspicious about that . "
3 The Nairacs , now in their eighties , declined to comment , but they 're said to be hopeful that one day they WILL be able to give their son a proper burial .
4 They 're said to be concerned , though , about the effect all the publicity is having on the boy .
5 Recent reports have suggested some local authorities are putting pressure on the government to settle early and avoid huge payouts ; they 're said to be concerned that if the case is drawn out , more haemophiliacs will die , and in the event of the ruling going against the government , relatives will be eligible for compensation .
6 I think they 're a very dangerous mode of education because they provide a very stereo-typed image of everything , everybody that they 're talking about if they 're talking about sex , they presume to be able bodied , they 're presumed to be white generally , they 're presumed to be heterosexual , if they 're talking about homosexual then , it 's definitely male lesbians
7 I think they 're a very dangerous mode of education because they provide a very stereo-typed image of everything , everybody that they 're talking about if they 're talking about sex , they presume to be able bodied , they 're presumed to be white generally , they 're presumed to be heterosexual , if they 're talking about homosexual then , it 's definitely male lesbians
8 I think this is one of the chairman because there was so many horrendous forecasts in the summer and autumn about the S S A that when it was announced you know we thought it was goods news and of course it was n't , erm so this is why they 're trying to be prudent and we have kept in our proposals to the erm , has already mentioned that er , thank god , the er democratic growth has been covered this year and so on , erm , plenty of other things that we would like to see erm to comply with the government 's own legislation erm but they where with all .
9 They 're paid to be pretty , not bright . ’
10 All , all I 'm saying is that we need to , before we literally start dotting I 's and crossing T's in any literal sense is to sussed out whether that 's gon na , whether they 're going to be receptive to the subject matter .
11 But I mean I , if they want to be nasty they 're going to be nasty , in a sense , and , and if they ca n't see a positive way of using something , but they still want to get it in , then the obvious thing to do is to be nasty about it .
12 It looks as though they 're going to be regular visitors here . ’
13 He says it 's going to get bigger and bigger and alot of our pasture land is going to be cannabis plantations and they 're going to be legal ones because they 've been granted licences to possess and grow it .
14 They 're going to be big , Karim , really huge .
15 And you know they have a very distinctive characteristic do n't they , they have round faces and they 're short and they have slightly slanting eyes , etcetera etcetera , well these children have very marked physical erm appearance they 're fair haired and blue eyed the reason for that is that this substance venial alanine is responsible for the production of pigment , so if that 's interfered with they 're going to be fair haired and blue eyed , they get eczema a lot , they have small heads and they have very widely spaced teeth , sorry down a bit , is that what you want ?
16 The could be if you pop yourself there , he sits there and she sits there , you 're asking him a question , he 's not sure , he looks at her , so if you look you ca n't see what you 're doing , you want to be able to maintain eye contact with them both , yeah , one of the effective ways , well they 're going to be aware of the layout of the living room , this is their , this is their stage .
17 ‘ But they 're going to be dead by dawn tomorrow , so I do n't think the General or I will lose any sleep over it . ’
18 so , so you are , you are encouraging that and presumably if anybody sets anything up they 're going to be able to keep it .
19 They do n't know when they 're going to be able to drink their water without boiling it again .
20 Netwise is eager to bolster the Unix side of its business , but admits ‘ NobleNet has obviously seen the light with RPC technology that the rest of us did n't … they 're going to be tough to beat ’ .
21 They 're going to be confused yes , very confused , I mean on the football pitch you usually get the trainer run man and they 're talking to the footballer and it 's looking at them all the time and he will ask questions , erm what 's your name ?
22 Now a compression is , pressure on the brain , caused by fracture , bleed or blood clot now if a person has been suffering from concussion and it 's gone unnoticed , that bleed could be just carrying on and on and on and it could take up to four to five days before the compression shows itself so perhaps a week later they 're sitting down to breakfast saying ooh my head hurts , now the poor wife or husband , or whoever it is does n't know about that knock on the head that they had previously , unless somebody 's told them about it mm , so your casualty now is going to have this headache and a beauty , they 're going to be confused their levels of consciousness it will deteriorate face is very hot , dry flushed the pupils will become unequal and because of the pressure breathing becomes noisy if you feel the pulse , it 's going to be slow and strong and you will get paralysis on the opposite side to the compression , what are , what are the signs and symptoms of ?
23 They 're going to be popular on the golf club ?
24 Just by definition , they 're going to be promiscuous .
25 No I would just ask , say , you know , just say you want to make enquiries , cos they 're going to be open on the second of April
26 They 're meant to be dull .
27 It 's fine if they 're proved to be guilty , otherwise it 's police harassment .
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