Example sentences of "they may be [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Incredibly even if the person who set the snare is found out they may be beyond the reach of the law
2 It is likely that the stem cells maintain their characteristic state by virtue of their position in the basal layer where they may be under the influence of a deeper layer of cells .
3 They may be above the age of criminal responsibility but children aged between ten and 14 are presumed not to know the difference between right and wrong , therefore incapable of committing an offence .
4 Important [ but unrecognized ] though they may be to the man in the street , functional methacrylates are no more than a small side-branch in ICI 's acrylic chain .
5 Initiating pupils into theology is an essential part of RE , so that they may be on the wavelength of the major religions and be able — if they wish — to use their language and outlooks to make sense of their own personal experience .
6 Manufacturing and service companies in the Midlands believe they may be on the brink of an economic turnaround .
7 These two images , however irreconcilable they may be on the surface , are , nonetheless , merely variants of a single conception of human beings and human behaviour , exemplars of a paradigm within which the character of human relations is seen not as growing out of human purposes and choices , but as determined by some natural state of human beings .
8 They may be at the root of colic , which is why lactose intolerance is important here .
9 They may be in the radar demonstration room learning the art of manipulating radar devices which surely must be beyond the comprehension of all but the bespectacled gentry who invented them , or maybe they , too , are learning something of ‘ behaviour at height ’ and the ‘ ways of jetstreams ’ .
10 They may be in the heart of France 's wine-growing region collecting the plonk by the caseload to bring back home , but with some serious driving involved , la boozing is out of the question we hear on the grapevine .
11 They may be in the car park of the supermarket or at a Local Council site .
12 True , these sources overlap , different as they may be in the nature of their risk , difficulty , and complexity , and the potential for innovation may well lie in more than one area at a time .
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