Example sentences of "they would have [to-vb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those preferring to have them collected , or to take or send them individually , were mostly older people , and people in lower socio-economic groups , and people who — when they were talking about being so short of money that they would have to arrange a loan — thought in terms of a relatively small amount of money .
2 The procession takes place whatever the weather but Mr Cecil Hitch thought one year they would have to call a halt because of the terrible conditions .
3 By then the office would be busy and they would have to contrive a meeting where they would be unobserved .
4 The question is whether the eleven member states could amend the existing legislation or whether they would have to adopt a parallel , but separate , legislation .
5 I was sep separate and apart from that , they would have to have a operating room and a dispensary there , you see that 's what they would have to have , I mean , if there gon na have P D S A premises , this is what you 've got to have , cos very often the animal has to be put under and all sorts of things , you know what I mean , it would n't be just an office with say like a physician and a tenants , it would be a case of a , a surgery and things in that nature which would be required by , er quite a number of animals .
6 Those clamps had to be locked at the Air Force base where they were loaded So they would have to have a key there .
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