Example sentences of "they were [verb] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And so , as predicted , two buckets of pigs blood were poured over the two of them and they were received by hysterical laughter .
2 Financial and administrative constraints permitting , the proposed more open and formal systems of careers guidance , support , and appraisal could achieve much especially if , as proposed , they were reinforced by explicit fairness in appointments procedures from preregistration level upwards and monitored for ethnic and gender neutrality under the auspices of the NHS Management Executive .
3 Fifty youngsters from Kirkby CE Primary School and Simonswood Primary School were taken to Alder Hey Children 's Hospital after they were overcome by strong bleach fumes used to clear a blocked drain at the pool .
4 Frostbite forced them to abandon the expedition.In 1988 and 1989 they were defeated by freak weather conditions .
5 They were followed by chief operating officer Joe Darby who reviewed the geology of the Sanga Sanga and Runtu production sharing contracts , and the prospects for adding reserves .
6 Less than an hour later , they were followed by C-130 transport planes with food for starving Somalis .
7 They were followed by another couple , David and Patricia North , with Frank Sinatra bringing up the rear .
8 Few could have met their demands for additional labour internally , and not because they were hampered by rigid job demarcation system or lacked a workforce with adaptable skills .
9 Both families had ties with greater men , who were more concerned with affairs of State , and they were affected by political turmoil , particularly the Stonors , who suffered forfeiture in 1483 for rebelling against Richard III , but both had come through the earlier phase of the dynastic struggle with relatively minor scars .
10 They were joined by Chief Welfare Officer Brenda McLaren and four guests , including Sir John Saverne , President of the South Western Area .
11 They were joined by other nation 's lifeboats during the passage — one Belgian , one German , one Danish , two Dutch and two US Coast Guard vessels .
12 They were joined by Icelandic pianist Arinbjorn Arnason , currently studying under Philip Jenkins at the RSAMD , for the rather more telling challenge of Beethoven 's Piano Concerto No 4 .
13 They were joined by underground train drivers in the capital .
14 Yet it is worth remembering that they were fuelled by intense speculation about her marriage .
15 House prices were like any other price — they were fuelled by too-easy credit , and when that happened , it was called inflation .
16 The most dramatic feature about the genes mutated so as to cause muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis , however , is that they were discovered by reverse genetics — neither dystrophin nor cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor were known to exist in the body before they were discovered by Kunkel and Tsui respectively .
17 The RAF had the unenviable task of bombing the Nazi munition factories , knowing that they were manned by forced labour from conquered European countries .
18 As justices of the peace they were burdened by central government with a growing number of responsibilities ; the more prosperous also intruded into the market towns , maintaining houses in Chichester or Lewes as well as the lesser centres , and replacing townsmen as Members of Parliament as the costs of the job became more onerous and the social distinction of election more desirable .
19 They were done by that forger Elmyr de Hory who lived on Ibiza .
20 Now they were tied by this web of tangled emotions and intrigue … no … she would n't think of Maria Luisa and … no — she would n't .
21 Not surprisingly , they were rewarded by deep loyalty and an overriding will to succeed .
22 A shadow fell on them from time to time , from his own past as well as from hers , and it seemed then that they were threatened by some evil which could blot out their joy at a moment 's notice .
23 No I do n't know , they were made by some factory .
24 This new album , in particular , is so imbued with the loss of an ebbing innocence that it can be hard to believe they were written by another person .
25 Yes really it 's just supporting or confirming what Mr said , which we did as part of the Southern Ryedale Local Plan , we contacted British Rail , and they were not averse to the reopening of stations on the York Scarborough line , providing they were funded by private investment .
26 They were assisted by other emergency teams who might be called upon in the case of a real emergency .
27 The last time Japanese chip manufacturers faced a ruinous price war over a new generation of chips , they were saved by American stupidity .
28 Again they were helped by defensive indecision , this time between Coleman and Craig Short as they attempted to deal with a Seaman clearance .
29 Verderers might also be removed from office on a report by the Justice of the Forest to the Chancery that they were incapacitated by old age or sickness , or occupied with other duties , or were insufficiently qualified in that they held no land within the forest and did not dwell there , or had committed or connived at trespasses of vert or venison , or had become a paid officer of the forest , or , in one case , had ‘ entered the priestly order ’ .
30 Even though these visits had no special significance , they were accompanied by mysterious tension ( her mother would always turn silent ) , arousing Agnes 's curiosity .
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