Example sentences of "they could [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And so although they were still the opposition , they could rarely be classified as ‘ real prigs ’ .
2 Obviously they could n't be ridden on a mountain , but magazine articles and newspaper features began treating them as a status symbol , and so every airhead on a salary of over £20,000 a year rushed out to buy one and take it up a mountain .
3 When they arrived at her close he took her inside , along past the stairs to where it was dark and they could n't be seen by the rest of the close .
4 It would have meant the hole was stopped , they could n't be pushed into it themselves .
5 One day , soon after he arrived in the dale he had reason to go to another farm and overheard a conversation between two old ladies.p They were lamenting that it was a sad day because outsiders were coming into the dale and taking over farms and was n't it a shame they could n't be let to locals . ’
6 Now she knew the safety of her room was illusory ; it was just that they could n't be bothered with her .
7 The new ideas were an outgrowth from this , but were sufficiently novel that they could n't be pursued within the terms of his research contract with the DOE .
8 Madeleine said : they could n't be buried in the cemetery if people had forgotten all about them and did n't know where they were , could they ?
9 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
10 Whatever the overall trend , the steps from one class to the next were so abrupt that they could not be explained by gradual transmutation .
11 Didier Pironi told me they were about to leave the circuit for a hotel to meet in private where they could not be coerced by their bosses and , as it happens , along with a half-dozen other early colleagues , my car was well placed to follow the bus as it drove off .
12 While another woman would have had hysterics all over him because of the rain and his wound , Isabel had had enough presence of mind to realise they could not be followed in such inclement weather .
13 The Basque provinces , though they could not be taxed at will , were persuaded by Philip and his successors to provide the monarchy with considerable sums in the form of free gifts ( servicios ) .
14 When he got to Bec , Anselm at once spotted his quality , and he was soon sending back to Lanfranc a glowing account of Osbern 's progress : he was ‘ growing daily in knowledge and serenity ’ ; and the friendship between him and Anselm had become so close that they could not be separated without tearing their two souls apart .
15 It is possible for example that time-gap experiences simply reflect events which were so banal that they could not be distinguished from other memories for similar previous driving .
16 The in-between bits — what some call life — seemed by such standards to be so much waste of time , which they could not be done with fast enough .
17 Archaeological evidence shows that occupation of the lowlands in the last 3000 years was achieved by long-range dispersals from the north-west of groups with three ceramic traditions , though these declined in complexity as they could not be sustained by the terra firme environment .
18 As access to the gall bladder is rarely possible after gall stone clearance , it seemed that , until recently , they could not be studied in patients with complete gall stone dissolution .
19 They could not be overcome by altering the organization of the world .
20 He acted out of moral considerations yet they could not be regarded as principles in the Kantian sense because they were principles or considerations involved in what Winch calls ‘ ‘ the perspective' ’ of the action' .
21 If they could not be enlightened by persuasion it must be done by force .
22 My Bill would establish a new constitutional settlement for Scotland , create a Parliament with a fixed four-year term , provide for elections by a system of proportional representation , establish a Bill of Rights , create the office of ombudsman , give to the Parliament revenue-raising responsibility , entrench these arrangements in such a way that they could not be changed without the consent of both the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments and provide that all Scottish domestic affairs should be the responsibility of a Parliament sitting in Edinburgh , reserving foreign affairs , defence and large-scale economics to Westminster .
23 They could not be let into it , but there was a duty to entertain them , and , as I was told , not to stare .
24 Before he became Home Secretary Morrison had argued that the best way for Jews to prevent anti-semitism was to ensure that they could not be blamed for social injustices in areas where they lived .
25 The function of underwriters was to commit themselves before the issue to buy the bonds at a set minimum price , if they could not be sold by the managing group at a price above this minimum .
26 Although from about 10 June , troops were transferred southward to Brusilov 's aid , they could not be carried in sufficient numbers to provide the necessary support to maintain his attack or greatly to affect its outcome .
27 But the temptations of the Flesh were different : they could not be dealt with in cold blood .
28 They could not be expected to be automatically loyal .
29 The problem , Richie explained , was that John and Angela had arrived at Heathrow Airport on a flight from Vienna , but as they had no passports they could not be admitted to the country .
30 Spices suited this situation very well : they had a high value in proportion to their weight , they could not be produced in Europe , and they were always valued by rich people who used them to mask the taste of the not-too-well preserved meat which was the best that anyone could hope for in the winter .
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