Example sentences of "they can be [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any new children in the original population ( from which the standardisation sample was selected ) can then be tested and , on the basis of their age and test performance , they can be given a test score which reflects their performance relative to the standardisation sample .
2 Sometimes they can be given a lump of clay that is too heavy for them to lift and they will gain new experiences as they try to mould or divide it into pieces of a manageable size .
3 So they have to find their way into the international financial system , where they can be given a veneer of legality .
4 Candidates whose mother tongue is not English will be required to pass an Oral Test before they can be awarded a certificate .
5 Candidates whose mother tongue is not English will be required to pass an Oral Test before they can be awarded a certificate .
6 Much more to the point , lawyers are always aware that a big aircraft accident inquiry is the preliminary to much subsequent civil litigation , and that if they can persuade the court to a point of view favourable to their client they can be paving the way to considerable financial benefit at a later stage .
7 Alternatively , they can be offered the chance to contribute to society economically , socially and culturally .
8 Hard-won working conditions and employment protection are now routinely jettisoned by many cowboy operators , secure in the knowledge that if workers complain they can be shown the door , outside which is a four-deep queue of would-be replacements willing to thole all manner of demands provided there is the prospect of regular work at whatever depressed rates .
9 Unless they can be guaranteed a post , they will consider alternatives at a time when they probably need to be free of distractions from their studies and may commit themselves to another job unnecessarily .
10 The long-running recession has meant that interest in these properties is low , but if they can be sold the cash raised will be put back into further improving the remaining operations .
11 Our verdict : A travel brush or curling tongs powered by a gas cylinder are a good investment — they can be used every day , not only for holidays .
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