Example sentences of "they would be [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But we have to do it , they 'd be absolutely down on us like a ton of bricks if we did n't .
2 ‘ If we did n't shoot them , ’ he says , ‘ then within two or three years they would be so out of hand that we 'd have to give up sheep farming . ’
3 In the country , the underlying tide of opinion is favourable to Labour : in six months , Gallup 's ‘ fitness to govern ’ test has turned from a negative to a positive while , remarkably , two-thirds of respondents believe they would be better off under Labour .
4 It is made worse still by those Tories who feel they would be better off with a different leader , though none say that publicly .
5 It is simply her case that they would be better off with her in England rather than without her in Australia .
6 They believe they would be better off on their own .
7 In the age of the computer , they would be better off in Croydon or Nottingham .
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