Example sentences of "they have [adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But also of course there was this propaganda from from the government you know that erm they 'd just got to keep up morale and this was one one way as you will see in a minute of how they did it .
2 They 'd never needed to say much .
3 Well , I would suppose that the person they 're looking for is similar in character , but if they 're going to er if they 're looking for that person I think they 've just got to act normally , and it 's not a one-off thing , I think it 's built up over the years .
4 And getting no response from Viola , who continued fussing over the teapot , he added , more directly : ‘ It would be silly to blue the profits before they 've even begun to come in . ’
5 They get to work , it started off one of these days did n't it so the lift 's out of order and they work on the top floor , so they 've now got to run up all those stairs , the energy is being used up .
6 so they 've still got to go back in three months , she was , I hope I 've not got to come back and pay , so what the
7 They 've never had to survive long
8 And every time they put themselves forward to go on to a tra on a training course , they 've actually got to think through , and maybe justify to their line manager ,
9 Not only had they failed to think it through under the ‘ what if strategic planning heading , but they had also failed to consider how they were going to project the change or how the people were going to react .
10 They had also started to take away literature .
11 They had both planned to stop on in the Sixth , then at the last moment , half way through the summer holidays in fact , Sheila had announced she was getting a job .
12 Others said they had now decided to speak out because something has to be done .
13 On some mornings the ducks on Three Island Pond would take off in great arcing flights against the sun , round and behind the Cages and out of sight , round again and behind the distant trees and then suddenly back again as if it had all been a mistake and they had never meant to fly off in the first place .
14 The mass gathering at Castlemorton gave them problems they had never had to handle before .
15 But believe me , whatever they had really intended to do here was just the opening shot in their Christmas campaign nationally . ’
16 If they had really wished to do so , they could have found enough constituencies where Labour was a bad third and where the candidate him- or herself was willing to step down just before nominations closed .
17 It was Janet who found , during the course of his work , that patients suffering from what he termed ‘ neurotic disorders ’ would often have significant gaps in their long-term memories — they had actually managed to block out incidents from long ago which had been particularly painful or excessively distressing .
18 After they had all begun to move away , twitching up astrakhan collars , eyeing him sharply , Gaily remained beside the new grave .
19 They have even started to feed back into humanist psychological method ( Kippax et al .
20 b ) They have also wanted to set up good case management arrangements , not just macro level working , not just providing the context within the health authority but also to provide the right case management at the micro practice level .
21 They have also had to face greatly increased competition both to get into drama school and into the profession .
22 Usually , they have conveniently failed to draw up a proper baseline first , or to lay down exactly how they will demonstrate success .
23 Initially they were areas of strong support for the radical campesino organizations and the FMLN forces , but they have now expanded to cover over one-quarter of national territory .
24 ‘ What has happened recently has been a big shock to them and they have now got to knuckle down . ’
25 However , they have consistently opted to eke out a living by temporary migration and wage labour rather than leaving in such numbers so as to exceed natural population growth , and thereby ease the pressure .
26 The High Elves of Ulthuan have never developed gunpowder technology as have the men of the Old World and Dwarfs — indeed they have never needed to do so as their marksmanship with the bow is superior to that of lesser races .
27 Readers can hardly remain passive consumers , or be seduced by the covert ideologies , of a text they have literally had to piece together , page by page , for themselves .
28 Geomorphologists have been trying to answer the what , where and when of things , but they have seldom tried to ask how .
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