Example sentences of "they have [adv] be [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Preston enquired , thinking they 'd probably been put down years ago , but the Flying Horses were alive and kicking and in at least as good a shape as she was .
2 The band had been playing together for two years , at school dances , in pubs and as support at a couple of bigger concerts , but they 'd never been written about before .
3 That 's right Jane , I 'll be off to Culham Road shortly to cover the match between Abingdon Town and Brackley , Bracknell ; they 're playing in the Vauxhall League Division two south and some team news for Town — does n't read very well , I 'm afraid , mid fielders Kevin Connelly and Keith Appleton , they 've both been ruled out .
4 They 've both been brought up in Ireland and the Bishop has taken them into his household . ’
5 In fact Leamington got a few things wrong , because they 've now been taken over .
6 ‘ Folk ’ tunes , especially of Scottish origin , had long had a strong presence in the North-East regional culture ; and , as in other areas of the country , they had also been taken up by middle-class circles .
7 A week later he was dead , but by that time they had both been shipped off to England .
8 They had already been hauled up eight times , the first during the summer of 1981 , and had been fined a total of £23,200 .
9 Originally most had been placed satisfactorily but they had not been followed up and had drifted away two or three years later as circumstances changed .
10 Anyone considering a purchase from this company should make sure they get cast-iron guarantees concerning specification and after sales support or , like me and many others to my knowledge , they will wish that they had not been taken in by misleading advertising and had paid a little more money to an established British company .
11 She had had plenty of time to mull things over and she was not too sure if there was n't some underlying reason for this trip to Spain that they had not been told about , or maybe Richie did n't know himself .
12 The South African was looking for this patterning , to ensure they had not been foisted off with sand-blasted bottle-glass or the other principal substitute , cubic zirconia .
13 And like sheep they had eventually been ridden down by soldiers as her husband had been ridden down at Peterloo , the crowd dispersed and then hunted over the open fields like running hares , so that of Luke 's companions one had crawled into a hedge with a leg that might have been mangled in a bear trap and had bled t death there ; two or three others had taken refuge in haystacks and barns ; two had been arrested and sentenced to hard labour .
14 On Jan. 3 the government claimed to have defeated the rebels and on Jan. 7 the French government started to pull out its reinforcements on the grounds that they had only been sent in to protect French expatriates and that this purpose had now been served .
15 It is possible to see that they had never been lived in , could never be lived in , though front door and portico are present and their ranks of windows , the spaces where the glass should be painted a dull blue .
16 It was therefore with great irritation that I noticed a day or two later that they had all been moved back to the ‘ General Interest ’ section .
17 ‘ It was as if they had all been locked up for three days the way they rushed in , ’ said a security man who saw the 8.30am rush .
18 In 1850 therefore the deer were officially banished , and in five years they had all been killed off .
19 The latter commented on the air raid and that he never expected to see soldiers guarding the tunnel , especially inside the tunnel for a second time , it having been guarded during World War I. The foreman told him that three soldiers had been killed near the spot that Mr Myer had been in the recess the previous night , they had apparently been run down by a train just inside the tunnel mouth .
20 Administrative assets " primarily used for the purposes of the former Ministry of State Security/National Security Office " would " accrue to the Trust Agency unless they have already been given over to new social or public purposes since the above mentioned date " .
21 They have already been ordered out of Gracanica , Sanski Most , Sanica and so many other places .
22 the last six observations of it has , right , the first six observations , sorry the er the first twenty odd observations are real , right , that they have n't been made up but the last six observations have been made up , right , to er to illustrate structural change .
23 Some others were fitted a few months ago but they have n't been wired up to the Economy meter and we dare n't use them because we would n't be able to afford the bills . ’
24 Lumps of excrement and sodden pieces of toilet paper lie in the water in a state which suggests they have not been broken down at all .
25 Because some reforms are hidden from public view over the horizon does not mean that they have not been thought out and designed .
26 On both of these high cols there are bars which serve also — I hope they have not been smartened up — as ill-favoured souvenir and junk shops .
27 The participants are often quarrelling before the day is out , their only consolation being that they have not been left out in the cold .
28 Their expectations are high because many of them have , until recently , had a middle-class life and outlook ( ie. the East African Asians ) and because , unlike the British working class , they have not been ground down and prepared for their jobs by the British education system .
29 None of them have been published , and they have all been put up to Ministers .
30 They have all been signed up . ’
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